Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Russianvids Makes Video Proclaiming I'm a Satanist...

He used a 1 second clip from the video below to explain that it is proof I'm a Satanist... as I continue to say, Christianity is for retards, and the religion's purpose is truly to retard the population.  It is apparent for those with eyes to see.  The only people who could be deceived by RV, are those who are retarded.

Retard = 18+5+20+1+18+4 = 66
66 Books in the Bible

The first ever Bible published was the '42-line Bible', known as the Gutenberg Bible.  It was published by man, not by God.

Gutenberg = 7+3+2+5+5+2+5+9+7 = 45
Bible = 2+9+2+3+5 = 21
Gutenberg Bible  66 (66-Books Long)

After reading the definition of retard, there should be no doubt that the point of Christianity is absolutely to 'retard' the populace.  All Christianity has every done is stunt intelligence and human growth and understanding.  It tells you to believe, not think.


  1. Religion itself means "to hold back"

    1. Yes sir, and a lot of people are getting held back. Thank you Josh.

  2. I used to like RussianVids he did a good job on the Boston Marathon bombing. But a couple of months ago I seen a video on his channel supporting the "Flat Earth" theory so I stopped watching his vids. Flat Earthers = Agents of Chaos

    1. Yes, easily deceived people is how I interpret them. His channel is fixated on the flat earth since that movement started this past summer.

    2. Hey brother. I absolutely agree with you on all of your research in regards to the Freemasonic Zionists being in control of nearly every aspect of all information that we receive and that it has always been that way. I also agree with your stance on religion. I find it to be the most obvious deception and method of control. I'm wondering just how it is you separate "flat earth" from any other massive deception such as the holocaust? Is not all of the information, science, photos and videos coming from the very same Freemasonic Zionists that have created every other bullshit narrative in this world?

  3. GAINES = 55
    DECEMBER = 55

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The interesting thing when people graduate with degrees of higher learning the ceremony features wearing a gown and a wearing a mortar board on one's head. Freemasons have been running the show for quite awhile.

  6. I'm not even religious but this stuff is bothering me, just stop.

    1. Stop what? Religion and the news are controlled by one and the same. Through Russianvids I can expose what is wrong with religion, another focus of my work. I am out to destroy the things that enslave us.

    2. Meanwhile... over on your Columbine thread, CS has cracked the Sports rigging!!

    3. He is doing brilliant work for sure!

  7. Big News! They 'evaporated' Jihadi John. I laughed almost as hard when they said evaporated as I did when I saw the commercial for the movie coming out titled, The 33.

    Oy Vey.

    1. Have some compassion! Those miners were trapped in the 69 position for nearly 3 months and had to hastily perform exploratory drilling on one another's buttholes.

  8. Religions are ALL cults. The argument against that is that they don't force anyone to follow their religions but they do.They indoctrinate their children from birth before they can make up their own minds. The biggest way they keep people locked in is through ignorance and fear. Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. I believe satan (adversary) is just the other side of the same coin. Why would something create us then say now give me back your soul and worship me all of your life.


    I think it's possible that the recent failure of the Netherlands national soccer team is a "sacrifice" as part of a psy op.

    Photograph shows one player in focus: his name is Memphis and he wears number 7 for both club and country.
    His clubmate, the player who wears number 33 for Manchester Utd is Paddy McNair.
    Paddy McNair was born on 27 April 1995.
    On that same day a famous Dutch author died:

    Could the proper noun Memphis and the number 7 be predictive programming of some kind.
    West Memphis murders: 3 victims, 3 convicted (now released) could the "real killer", # 7 be announced as a psy op?

    Could something else related to the number 7 occur in Memphis, Tennessee, or Memphis, Egypt?

    It's freeform speculation but I think world soccer may well be rigged and linked to vilent psy ops in the U.S.A. and elsewhere.

  10. Blaming Religion for Stupidity. Its like blaming Guns for violence. Inanimate objects like books and firearms can't create action. Atheism was brought back to the forefront for the 21 century for the purpose of division. If you don't see that you're just as dumb as someone who believes in something.

    1. Religion is very much about stunting and dumbing down for the sake of being controlled by people who are interested in controlling.


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