Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, December 31, 2015

15 43 51 52 58 61 78 142 | New Year's Eve Numerology & Gematria, December 31, 2015

12/31/2015 = 12+31+20+15 = 78
12/31/2015 = 12+31+(2+0+1+5) = 51
12/31/2015 = 1+2+3+1+2+0+1+5 = 15
12/31/15 = 12+31+15 = 58
12/31 = 12+31 = 43

New = 5+5+5 = 15
Year's = 7+5+1+9+1 = 23/32
Eve = 5+4+5 = 14
New Year's Eve = 52/61

New = 14+5+23 = 42
Year's = 25+5+1+18+19 = 68
Eve = 5+22+5 = 32
New Year's Eve = 142


  1. On an unrelated note; I'm tired of these Johnny-Come-Lately's, trying to shift the focus of this blog, to fit their own greedy agendas. This was never called "Zach's Gambling Blog", or "The Sports Prediction Blog". In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find many times the word prediction was even mentioned by Zach; aside from a very small handful of times. Most of the people talking about "predictions", are the people in the comments section; Not Zach.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this blog to expose the villains, and wake people up to the truth of this world? Over time, it's developed into documentation of the synchronicities & patterns, to help prove a secret code or language exists among the elite. The more documented proof we have, the harder it'll be for them to get away with the next "big one".

    Zach is a teacher, helping people learn a new skill. He also never claimed to be a psychic, or a prophet for that matter. People need to get that through their thick skulls.

    You people need to stop trying to manipulate this blog, for your own gluttonous perversions. You people don't really want to be free; You're happy being slaves. You people don't want to break away from reliance of the consumer slave currency; You want more of it. Well I say, if that's what you want, go somewhere else to do it and leave us alone. Quite frankly, you people disgust me and make me sick to my stomach.....

    1. Thank you friend, I couldn't have said it better myself. You have the eyes to see.

  2. if you add all the date numerology for today that Z listed.

    78+51+15+58+43 = 245

    "two hundred forty five" in the English Reduction system equals

    "hundred five" in the English Ordinal system equals


    If you take that 245# and subtract the Gematria of "New Year's Eve."

    245-52 = 193

    245-61 = 184

    "hundred ninety three" in the English Reduction system equals


    "hundred eighty four" in the English Reduction system equals


    "one hundred eighty four" in the English Reduction system equals


    "one hundred ninety three" in the English Reduction system equals


    Anybody else see anything strange here? Beside my methods of numerology?

    "hundred " in the English Ordinal system equals 74

    "hundred " in the English Reduction system equals 38

    one hundred " in the English Reduction system equals 54

    Now add those two numbers.

    100+116= 216

    two hundred sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals

    ..84 /93..


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