Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, December 5, 2015

16 39 59 84 104 | Chad Market Bombing of December 5, 2015, Blamed on Boko Haram

Notice where the story comes out of, Kano, Nigeria.

Kano = 11+1+14+15 = 41
Nigeria = 14+9+7+5+18+9+1 = 63
Kano, Nigeria = 104

Kano = 2+1+5+6 = 14
Nigeria = 5+9+7+5+9+9+1 = 45
Kano, Nigeria = 59

The bombing site.

Chad Market = 3+8+1+4+4+1+9+2+5+2 = 39 (Boko Haram)
Chad Market = 3+8+1+4+13+1+18+11+5+20 = 84 (Boko Haram)

Loulou Fou = 3+6+3+3+6+3+6+6+3 = 39
Loulou Fou = 12+15+21+12+15+21+6+15+21 = 138

The likely culprits, according to the propaganda reporting, Boko Haram.

Boko Haram = 2+6+2+6+8+1+9+1+4 = 39
Boko Haram = 2+15+11+15+8+1+18+1+13 = 84

The date of the reported incident takes place December 5, 2015.

12/5/2015 = 12+5+20+15 = 52
12/5/2015 = 12+5+(2+0+1+5) = 25
12/5/2015 = 1+2+5+2+0+1+5 = 16 (Chad = 16)
12/5/15 = 12+5+15 = 32

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