Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

33 47 84 93 113 119 | San Bernardino Shooters Identified, Name Gematria Confirms Hoax

That 113 Gematria is coded into this story though the 'man and woman' shooter detail, a new "deadly-romantic" edge in the ongoing shooting hoaxes.

As you notice the 41 Gematria below, keep in mind SBPD, for San Bernardino Police Department, has Gematria of '41'.

SBPD = 19+2+16+4 = 41

Remember, the Gematria of 'Fourteen', connects back to '41'.

The Utah Plates remind of the recent 'Cameron Carl Crimefighter' story out of Utah, October 15, 2015.

Notice the names of the shooters.  They're going with the 'middle eastern' angle clearly.

Syed = 1+7+5+4 = 17/26
Rizwan = 9+9+8+5+1+5 = 37
Farook = 6+1+9+6+6+2 = 30
Syed Rizwan Farook = 84/93
Syed Farook = 47/56 (Star of David = 47/56)

Syed = 19+25+5+4 = 53
Rizwan = 18+9+26+23+1+14 = 91
Farook = 6+1+18+15+15+11 = 66
Syed Rizwan Farook = 210
Syed Farook = 119 (Star of David) (All Seeing Eye)

Tashfeen = 2+1+1+8+6+5+5+5 = 33
Malik = 4+1+3+9+2 = 19
Tashfeen Malik = 52

Tashfeen = 20+1+19+8+6+5+5+14 = 78
Malik = 13+1+12+9+11 = 46
Tashfeen Malik = 124

As for their ages, 28 and 27, the sum is '55'.  I won't be surprised if in the coming details there are quotes from the media stating that they heard the shooters yell the predictable "Allahu Akbar!"

Allahu = 1+12+12+1+8+21 = 55
Akbar = 1+11+2+1+18 = 33

Allahu Akbar = 88
The phrase means "God is Greater!"

At about 11.

The Utah plates remind of this recent story of Cameron Carl Crimefighter.

Redlands = 9+5+4+3+1+5+4+1 = 32/41
Redlands = 18+5+4+12+1+14+4+19 =77

Farhan = 6+1+9+8+1+5 = 30
Khan = 2+8+1+5 = 16
Farhan Khan = 46

Farhan = 6+1+18+8+1+14 = 48
Khan = 11+8+1+14 = 34
Farhan Khan = 82

Hussam = 8+3+1+1+1+4 = 18/27
Ayloush = 1+7+3+6+3+1+8 = 29/38
Hussam Ayloush = 47/65

Hussam = 8+21+19+19+1+13 = 81
Ayloush = 1+25+12+15+21+19+8 = 101
Hussam Ayloush = 182

Lavinia = 3+1+4+9+5+9+1 = 32
Johnson = 1+6+8+5+1+6+5 = 32/41
Lavinia Johnson = 64/73

Lavinia = 12+1+22+9+14+9+1 = 68
Johnson = 10+15+8+14+19+15+14 = 95
Lavinia Johnson = 163

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