Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 4, 2015

33 93 123 | The Reason Scott Weiland Was Murdered (Faked Death?) On December 3, 2015

They don't know the cause of death, but they know he died in his sleep... this comes from his manager.

Tom = 2+6+4 = 12
Vitorino = 4+9+2+6+9+9+5+6 = 50
Tom Vitorino = 62 (Mason = 62)

Tom = 20+15+13 = 48
Vitorino = 22+9+20+15+18+9+14+15 = 122
Tom Vitorino = 170
TV = 20+22 = 42 (Freemason = 42)

Notice the date of death, December 3, or 12/3.  Scott happens to have a life number of '123', the number for conspiracy.

10/27/1967 = 10+27+19+67 = 123
10/27/1967 = 10+27+(1+9+6+7) = 60
10/27/1967 = 1+0+2+7+1+9+6+7 = 33 (October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33)
10/27/67 = 10+27+67 = 104

12/3/2015 = 12+3+20+15 = 50
12/3/2015 = 12+3+(2+0+1+5) = 23
12/3/2015 = 1+2+3+2+0+1+5 = 14
12/3/15 = 12+3+15 = 30

12/3 is also a lot like 3/3... 12 = 1+2 = 3... 12/3 = (1+2)/3 or 3/3

RIP, we know what gang kills by the numbers.  Unless of course, he faked his death by the numbers... we know what gang that would be as well, the same one.

He reportedly died on tour in Bloomington, Minnesota.

Bloomington = 2+3+6+6+4+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 55 (STP = 55)
Minnesota = 4+9+5+5+5+1+6+2+1 = 38/47
Bloomington, Minnesota = 93/102

Bloomington = 2+12+15+15+13+9+14+7+20+15+14 = 136
Minnesota = 13+9+14+14+5+19+15+20+1 = 110
Bloomington, Minnesota = 246


  1. Core was the first album I owned on CD at like 5 years old. Still rules. Don't care.
    Weiland had a terrific voice. RIP

    1. Hey, man. Core was also the first album I ever bought. I think I was like 10.. so yknow.. never should've been allowed to listen to that kinda stuff, but hey. That's our twisted world, right? A 5 and 10 year old listening to a band that used to be called "Shirley Temple's Pussy"

    2. LOL. Yeah, man.
      I still love STP to this day, so this is one of those deaths that hits hard for me. Everyone needs to listen to Still Remains today.

      Core is just a massive album. Better than anything Pearl Jam did, who they supposedly "ripped off".

  2. Get this shit, Zach and Company

    Scott has a Christmas album, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

    The Christmas Song is 3 minutes 21 seconds

  3. Oddly enough, wiki just changed to 3:23, still lists the title track MWTOTY to 2:31

    1. catholicism = 323
      cult = 323
      deathless = 323
      lucifer = 323

      (all jewish gematria)

  4. Most Wonderful Time of the Year--English---2010, 335

    The Christmas song---Jewish---711

  5. Scott Wieland--Jewish--1322
    Drug Addicts Cant Be Trusted---1322

    1. Sorry
      Drug Addicts Cannot Be Trusted--1322
      Invisible Illuminati--1322 lol

    2. The weird thing about the 1322 is to me in a bojangled kinda way, it looks like the 123 by 2, like his birthdate and deathdate are 2 123 dates.

      Alot of times it looks to me like the Jewish Value is telling the English Values what to do. Which totally makes sense to me.

    3. MWTOTY---English---696, 116
      Hi there Saturn, nice of you to show up

  6. "I'll be home for Christmas"

  7. Minnesota = "cloudy water"
    "cloudy water" in the English Reduction system equals 48
    48 = reported age of Scott Weiland at the time of his reported death

  8. Bloomington, MN
    Coordinates: 44°50′1″N 93°18′36″W

    Nice 44 there.

  9. Scott = 77
    Weiland = 68

    7+7=14 1+4=5
    6+8=14 1+4=5

    Scott = 5
    Weiland = 5

    There's the
    STP = 55 Bloomington = 55

    1. Nice, 55 is hot this year. Its the whole Fifth Age of the World belongs to Lucifer routine.


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