Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

33 | The Man In the Freemason Hat Interviewed for the San Bernardino Shooting Hoax

G = 33
Police = 33

If you're new here, that is the Freemason Compass and Square with the G in the middle on this man's hat, a supposed witness of the shooting today, December 2, 2015.

This is how the Freemasons describe themselves.

Beautiful?  I think I know why they chose that word.  Remember, the Freemasons practice Gematria.

William Morgan, the leader of Anti-Masonry, disappeared on September 1l, 1826.

It is funny, when I first reported on these findings, I didn't have the connections to this story I do now.  In a way, it gives me the creeps.  Even the date he was arrested on, reminds me how I was arrested on a curious date.

September 11 is New Year's Day on the Coptic Calendar
Coptic = 3+15+16+20+9+3 = 66

I was arrested March 7, the 66th day of the year
Zachary = 8+1+3+8+1+9+7 = 37 (March 7)
Hubbard = 8+3+2+2+1+9+4 = 29
Zachary Hubbard = 66

I was arrested on March 7, days after calling the Police Chief and leaving a message, which was never returned, about how my neighbor who robbed my house and then filed a restraining order against me had been actively harassing me on March 3 and in the days after.  It was his harassing me on March 7, where I told him to fuck off, that the police came and arrested me.  Funny I couldn't even get a call back, but days later, five police officers had the time to stop by my house to take me to jail, just for telling my neighbor to f-off, where I was standing in my own front yard, minding my business before he started yelling at me from across the street.

It was a 'Miller', connected to Freemasonry.

Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33


  1. lol I figured out a way to make G = 33 in simple

    djiee = 33

  2. G = 3 in Chaldean Hindu/Hebrew and C.C. Zain's Hebrew

  3. Hey I forgot to mention.. I'm pretty sure this guy was in uniform later, at the press conference. There was a mustached cop with a smirk cemented in to his face, standing to the left of the chief of police. I haven't dug around to find the clip yet, but I think it's the same guy.


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