Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

40 44 45 47 55 67 75 | The Death of Motorhead's Phil Taylor, 47-Days Before Lemmy Kilmister, 75-Days After Bad Magic

The band Motorhead has lost two of its original founding members in a span of less than two months.

The nickname Philthy Animal synchs perfectly with Lemmy Kilmister and 'blood sacrifice'.

Philthy = 7+8+9+3+2+8+7 = 44
Animal = 1+5+9+4+1+3 = 23
Philthy Animal = 67

Lemmy = 3+5+4+4+7 = 23
Kilmister = 2+9+3+4+9+1+2+5+9 = 44 (Kill = 44)
Lemmy Kilmister = 67

Blood = 2+3+6+6+4 = 21
Sacrifice = 1+1+3+9+9+6+9+3+5 = 46/55 (Lemmy had 55 birth and death numerology)
Blood Sacrifice = 67/76

Phil = 7+8+9+3 = 27
Taylor = 2+1+7+3+6+9 = 28
Phil Taylor = 55 (Lemmy died on a date with '55' numerology)

Phil = 16+8+9+12 = 45 (Motorhead = 45)
Taylor = 20+1+25+12+15+18 = 91
Phil Taylor = 136

9/21/1954 = 9+21+19+54 = 103
9/21/1954 = 9+21+(1+9+5+4) = 49
9/21/1954 = 9+2+1+1+9+5+4 = 31
9/21/54 = 9+21+54 = 84

11/11/2015 = 11+11+20+15 = 57
11/11/2015 = 11+11+(2+0+1+5) = 30
11/11/2015 = 1+1+1+1+2+0+1+5 = 12
11/11/15 = 11+11+15 = 37

Phil died 75-days after the release of Motorhead's latest studio album, 'Bad Magic', which was released August 28, 2015.  This is interesting because the band was established in the year '75.

Bad = 2+1+4 = 7
Magic = 13+1+7+9+3 = 33
Bad Magic = 40 (Band lasted 40-years, 1975-2015)

Bad = 2+1+4 = 7
Magic = 4+1+7+9+3 = 24
Bad Magic = 31

The deaths of Phil Taylor and Lemmy Kilmister come 47-days apart, a very curious span.  If you count the end date, it is a span of 48-days, and Kilmister died on a date with a life lesson number of '48'.

12/28/2015 = 12+28+(2+0+1+5) = 48
Deaths 48-days apart, counting end date


  1. "seventy five days" in the English Reduction system equals
    .. 84 ..

    From the date of The release of "Bad Magic" to the date Lemmy's passing is 122 days.

    ... 122 -84 = 38 ..

    Links up perfectly with my comment post on Motorhead from last night if you check it out.

  2. Awesome work on this one. To many quinky dinks.


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