Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

42 | North Korea Propaganda, Ghost Ships With Skeletons from N. Korea Washing Up On Japan's Shores

This is obvious bullshit.  Blame it on the Freemason network, which Japan is part of.

Japan = 10+1+16+1+14 = 42

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's the Japan connection, but do you remember the Elisa Lam thing from a few years ago? The girl in the LA hotel, whose body was found in the water tank.

    It was during a Tuberculosis outbreak and the test case or something was called LAM-ELISA or some shit. Welp, I just realized that story was totally hoaxalicious.
    But this was during my initial awakening, so I was in the Alex Jones phase of EVERYTHING IS FEAR. BE AFRAID! LOL. Such trash, man.


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