Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

33 50 59 66 74 113 | This Is It, Michael Jackson's 50 Shows That Never Happened

This = 2+8+9+1 = 20/29
Is = 9+1 = 10/19
It = 9+2 = 11
This Is It = 41/59 (King = 41) (Negro = 59) (Slave = 59)

This = 20+8+9+19 = 56
Is = 9+19 = 28
It = 9+20 = 29
This Is It = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest)

Notice this concert tour was supposed to take place in London.

London = 12+15+14+4+15+14 = 74
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

It is the Freemasons that run the show, and kill by the numbers.

Michael Jackson would die June 25, 66-days before his August 29 birthday.  This connects to 'Fifty' and 'Cardiac Arrest'.

Cardiac = 3+1+9+4+9+1+3 = 30
Arrest = 1+9+9+5+1+2 = 27/36
Cardiac Arrest = 57/66
***Fifty = 6+9+6+20+25 = 66

Notice that tickets for the tour went on sale March 11, which can be written 11/3 or 3/11, both being very important numbers to the Masons.  Of course, This Is It = 113.

The concert was scheduled to begin July 8, 2009.  This is a date with 'kill' numerology.  It is also a date that reminds of speed records spin at.

7/8/2009 = 7+8+20+09 = 44
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

Records spin at 78 RPMs

Notice that the original planning for the shows, was from July 8, 2009, to February 24, 2010.  This is a span of exactly '33' weeks.

Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33

Further, notice how the start date was pushed back to July 13.

7/13 in numerology becomes 7/4
London = 74

The end date for the first 27-shows, of September 29, 2009, yields similar numerology.

9/29/09 = 9+29+09 = 47

The first 27-shows scheduled after the pushback, were over a span of 78-days, again giving tribute to the number that synchs with the speed records spin at.


  1. There is a song by The Police called "Murder by the Numbers". Very telling lyrics indeed. Your article brought that song. that I have only been aware of for a short time, to mind. Thanks Zachary for your eye opening articles!

    1. Very welcome, that album, with that Police Song, came out just a month before I was born. My dad listened to The Police and Sting more than anyone else when I was growing up. I sometimes wonder if it was drops in the bucket.

    2. So did mine! Synchronicity especially. And the Fields of Gold Greatest Hits.


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