Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, December 6, 2015

64 84 150 174 | December 6, 2015, the 150th Anniversary of the Ratification of 13th Amendment (Ending of Slavery)

The headline and story below comes from December 6, 2015, the 150-year anniversary of the Ratification of the 13th Amendment and the end of the institution of slavery, well, at least in the history books.

Obama's birthday is August 4, or 8/4.

I'm telling you, we live in a George Orwell novel, or worse.

It is interesting to note that these headlines come on the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment, ending the institution of slavery.

Notice the Gematria of 84, matching the numbers on Obama, the 44th President.

I think it is all part of a numerological joke, by the New World Order.

Notice that in 1864, emphasis on '64, was arguably the first year of legislation having to do with 'Civil Rights'.

Civil Rights = 3+9+4+9+3+9+9+7+8+2+1 = 64/73 (7/2/64 = 7+2+64 = 73)
Barack Hussein Obama = 2+1+9+1+3+2+8+3+1+1+5+9+5+6+2+1+4+1 = 64/82
Civl Rights Act in '64

Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th President, 44-years after the Civil Rights Act.

The face of the Civl Rights Act, was Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated April 4, 1968.

The book 1984 begins on the date 'April Fourth'.

The first President to ever die in office, William Henry Harrison, died on April Fourth.  Lincoln dreamed he would be shot on April 4, 1865, only to be shot 10-days later and die shortly after.

With regards to the year MLK died in, the same year RFK died in, at 1:44 in the morning, Barack Obama has a connection to it.  JFK died on the first day of 'Sagittarius', November 22, 2015.

Barack = 2+1+18+1+3+11 = 36
Obama = 15+2+1+13+1 = 32
Barack Obama = 68 ('68, Fateful Year)


  1. Hey Zach, what's your opinion on polarization nation, Russianvids was hating on him so that's always a good sign

  2. I Really enjoyed that blog post - great stuff!

    The Number Eighty Four =1440. Number Eighty Four =1222.

    It certainly does feel we live in Orwell's, 1984 - officially the title is written out..

    Nineteen Eighty Four =1109. It was Published on 6/8 - Barack Obama =68.

    George Orwell =142. President Obama =142.

  3. look at this one, linked on drudge:

    they emphasized 'increasingly likely' and they're talking about future attacks.

    increasingly likely = 1168
    statue of liberty = 1168

  4. Another strange occurrence on this day in history you guys should help me pick apart. The Dec. 6th, 1969 Death of Meredith Hunter @ The Stones concert Altamont Speedway. I think it's a well coded warning of some kind. Here is a link to the Wiki.

    Meredith Curly Hunter jr" in the English Reduction system equals 113 (4+5+9+5+4+9+2+8+0+3+3+9+3+7+0+8+3+5+2+5+9+0+1+9)

    hells angels" in the English Ordinal system equals 114 (8+5+12+12+19+0+1+14+7+5+12+19)

    hells angels" in the English Reduction system equals 42 (8+5+3+3+1+0+1+5+7+5+3+1)

    Alan Passaro" in the English Ordinal system equals 117 (1+12+1+14+0+16+1+19+19+1+18+15)

    Altamont Speedway Free Festival " in the English Ordinal system equals 322 (1+12+20+1+13+15+14+20+0+19+16+5+5+4+23+1+25+0+6+18+5+5+0+6+5+19+20+9+22+1+12+0)

    Meredith Hunter was born in:

    Alameda County, California" in the English Ordinal system equals 223 (1+12+1+13+5+4+1+0+3+15+21+14+20+25+0+3+1+12+9+6+15+18+14+9+1)

    This event occurred exactly 46 years ago today. Or 552 months precisely.

    five hundred fifty two months" in the English Ordinal system equals 329 (6+9+22+5+0+8+21+14+4+18+5+4+0+6+9+6+20+25+0+20+23+15+0+13+15+14+20+8+19)

    three hundred twenty nine" in the English Reduction system equals 117 (2+8+9+5+5+0+8+3+5+4+9+5+4+0+2+5+5+5+2+7+0+5+9+5+5)

    117 the same Gematria as Alan P. the man that killed Meredith. Is this a September 23rd warning from 46 years ago?

    The Rolling Stones played "Sympathy For The Devil" @ the time of Meredith's stabbing.

    sympathy for the devil" in the English Reduction system equals 98 (1+7+4+7+1+2+8+7+0+6+6+9+0+2+8+5+0+4+5+4+9+3)

    september twenty third" in the English Reduction system equals 98 (1+5+7+2+5+4+2+5+9+0+2+5+5+5+2+7+0+2+8+9+9+4)

    stabbing" in the English Ordinal system equals 74 (19+20+1+2+2+9+14+7)

    1. Think about the Planned Parenthood & Taylor, MI Sportsplex hoax shootings from this week and last. Both those dudes 57 years old.

      green top hat" in the English Reduction system equals 57 (7+9+5+5+5+0+2+6+7+0+8+1+2)

    2. Sorry to bombard with semi- off topic material but this is incredible.

      five hundred fifty two months" in the English Reduction system equals 131

      Obama is 61 years of age.

      sixty one" in the English Ordinal system equals 131 (19+9+24+20+25+0+15+14+5)

      sixty one" in the English Reduction system equals 41 (1+9+6+2+7+0+6+5+5)

      forty one" in the English Reduction system equals 46 (6+6+9+2+7+0+6+5+5)

      "forty one" in the English Ordinal system equals 118 (6+15+18+20+25+0+15+14+5

      green suit" in the English Ordinal system equals 118 (7+18+5+5+14+0+19+21+9+20)

    3. Oh, he's going to take a head shot and survive, Zion has to let revelations play out. Some leader somewhere is going to be shot in the head, miraculously survive, then lead the New World. I'm expecting a head shot on live TV, a coma, Biden sworn in, Marshall Law, war war war war, postponed election, Pope prays over Obama, Obama comes back, miracle miracle miracles, unified peace, and scene.
      Just gotta find a spot for alien Jesus.

    4. Yeah, I buy something like this.
      The election has to be held back. None of those candidates are viable. They're seriously like a wrestling faction. All to entertain before the Obama event happens.

      I also believe the majority of Obama's speeches are holograms/CGI of some kind. So yeah, his "assassination" will be the same.

  5. Says the guy who's been arming them and dropping supplies into their camps for the last 4 years!

  6. I think he said 'we will destroy ISIL'

  7. 'WE WILL DESTROY ISIL' is 239 in Standard English. The number 239 applies to PLUTONIUM. Alot of interest in PLUTO right now with the latest NASA report with close up shots of PLUTO's surface, allegedly. Also 239 years from 1776 to 2015, Also 2015 September became 5776 the Year of Light for Freemasons. Also tied in with 23rd September the 266th day of the year, and 266 days of pregnancy for a human female.


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