Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Article on San Bernardino, CA Shooting of December 2, 2015 (All the facts, before anyone else...)

White = 5+8+9+2+5 = 29
Male = 4+1+3+5 = 13
White Male = 42 (Freemason = 42)

White = 23+8+9+20+5 = 65
Male = 13+1+12+5 = 31
White Male = 96 (Freemason = 96)

There is also something fitting about 'Three Men' in California.


  1. This is the first I've seen about this. And I'm just shaking my head as I read.
    I couldn't tick off all the boxes for a hoax faster than those five "facts" if I tried.

  2. Drills were going on in the area today as well. Most likely another false flag


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