Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Zach Dobson, Brother of Deceased Zaevion Dobson (The reason for the ritual sacrifice?)

From reading about the Fulton High School Football team, it turns out they are elite in the state, and the star of the team, is Zach Dobson, the older brother of Zaevion, who was shot and killed.  From Zach's interview with CNN, he didn't seem to be too sad about the death of his brother.  You can witness that yourself just below.

It is important to keep in mind that we live in a nation of people who have mostly been raised to have sociopathic, selfish behavior.  On this blog I have shown countless times how 'before stars became stars', they had to agree to the ritual sacrifice of a member of their family, from brother, to father to grandfather.  In this recent story, I think the same thing has occurred, this time it being the death of Zaevion, for the benefit of Zach.

Notice in the interview that Zach is wearing an Oklahoma State University Cowboys beanie, the school from the highly Masonic Town, that recently sponsored the the Homecoming Parade Crash hoax incident.  It will be interesting to see if Zach ends up going to OSU.  Recall, Chris Paul, gave up his grandfather, by the numbers, the same day he signed with Wake Forest, as a senior still in high school.

And then a nice tweet time from President Barry, 11:22...


  1. Damn man thats sad. Sacrifice your own brother.

  2. wow fulton high is in atlanta ga. Atl on the 33rd parallel. This is indeed a masonic ritual sacrifice.

    1. This one is in Tennessee, a different Fulton High School.

  3. From Obama's birthday of 8/4/1961 to Christmas (Jesus = 74 = Messiah) 12/25/1961 is 143 days. Ninety Three = 143 and so does the racial slur with the word Porch. Obama is the 43rd man to hold the office of President. Maybe Obama's "coming event" will be connected to the number 143. The 74th day of 2016 is 3/14 which can be written as 14/3.

    1. March Fourteenth = 175...

    2. From 3/14 to 8/4 is 143 days. =)


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