Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 31, 2016

16 33 46 96 131 154 | Super Bowl Grounds Crew paints Broncos logo in both end zones of Levi's Stadium

Notice this story comes on 1/31, the date the Broncos won Super Bowl 33 in 1999, the last time the Broncos won the Super Bowl.

1/31/1999 = 1+3+1+1+9+9+9 = 33
1/31/99 = 1+31+99 = 131

Super Bowl = 19+21+16+5+18+2+15+23+12 = 131
Championship = 3+8+1+13+16+9+15+14+19+8+9+16 = 131

Help me with my math.  Was that sixteen years ago the Broncos won Super Bowl 33 on the date with '33' numerology, January 31, 1999?

Sixteen = 1+9+6+2+5+5+5 = 33
Sixteen = 19+9+24+20+5+5+14 = 96

Let us not forget the first professional football teams were established in Chicago, 96-years ago.

Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46
Levi's Stadium = 3+5+4+9+1+1+2+1+4+9+3+4 = 46
46th Super Bowl of the modern era

The question is, what's the riddle?  Is it that the Denver Broncos own this stadium?  If Gematria tells the story, then yes they do.

Denver = 4+5+14+22+5+18 = 68
Broncos = 2+18+15+14+3+15+19 = 86
Denver Broncos = 154

Levi's = 12+5+22+9+19 = 67 (Satanic)
Stadium = 19+20+1+4+9+21+13 = 87
Levi's Stadium = 154

Between the referee and this story, things are starting to line up for the Broncos... not that they weren't already.


  1. Off topic....

    But check this story out Zach...

    "Boko Haram burns kids alive in Nigeria, 86 dead: officials"

    Notice today's date = 68 the reflection of 86.

    also 1+3+1+2+0+1+6 = 14

    86 = 14

    "Dalori" in Simple Gematria Equals: 59 (14)

    "Dalori, Nigeria" in Simple Gematria Equals: 122

    Once again, we get a major "terrorist attack" on a date of "14"
    9/11/2001 = 14

    11/13/2015 = 14

    Now Nigeria
    1/31/2016 = 14

    also "Terrorist Attack" in Jewish Gematria Equals: 809

    809..... the reflection of 86 and 68

    1. full story here:

    2. also want to point out that today is a coded "311"

      1/31 = 31/1 = 311

      3x11 = 33

  2. Panthers will win the superbowl. Cam has his on series coming to Nickelodeon this year


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