Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, January 16, 2016

40 41 46 84 | Hail Mary from 41-Yard Line after Lions Hail Mary Replay...

In my preview video for the Divisional Round, I talked about how the Packers and Cardinals, in their two prior playoff meetings, have had the number 41 factor in.  Well, it just happened again, with a 41-yard Hail Mary at the end of the game, to setup overtime in Arizona.

Hail Mary from 41-yard line
Green Bay = 7+9+5+5+5+2+1+7 = 41

Let's go back and look at how it happened.

First, they gave us the replay of the Hail Mary in Detroit, just seconds before the Hail Mary in Arizona.  If you have not seen my post on the Hail Mary in Detroit, it is linked just below.

It was the '61-yard miracle' in Detroit
Miracle = 13+9+18+1+3+12+5 = 61

Within seconds of showing this replay, of this scripted play from Detroit, de ja vu happens.  Notice how the Cardinals defenders purposefully got behind the receiver.

See how the defense setup behind the receiver?

The ball was also punched out, and should have been ruled incomplete.  It is no doubt the 20-20, for a sum of 40, OT finish, was scripted.

Forty = 6+15+18+20+25 = 84
Arizona = 1+18+9+26+15+14+1 = 84

Let us also not overlook that it was #83 who caught the hail mary.

Football = 6+15+15+20+2+1+12+12 = 83
#83 with amazing finish play...

Prior to the touchdown play, #83 caught the ball to move to midfield, and that play came after the announcers made a big deal about a pass interference not being called in his favor as shown below.

Don't tell me the NFL isn't scripted 'by the numbers'.

Also, the final score was 26-20, with Larry Fitzgerald scoring the winning TD, after nearly scoring on a play in overtime that resembled his final TD in Super Bowl 43.  The sum of 46 points again connects to the 'Chicago' tribute.

Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46


  1. Lmao they didn't even try to stop him from catching the ball !! Lmao

  2. Zach make a video on this please.

    People are probably questioning this game.

    1. He likes my content, that is why it is all regurgitated on his video channel.

    2. Yeah after you bragged about how you were right I liked your video gave credit where it was due. Of course you don't say when you're wrong so you're a fraud.

      I'm saying make a video for the masses to see.

      "Don't you hate Zach" Dumbass fool that was the most fixed game I've ever seen

    3. I don' t have a dog in this race -- I HATE football -- but I couldn't help noticing how much "lupefiasco653" made me think: "Lupercalia113". But since I'm here ... This info isn't meant to be a guide for gamblers. You've seen the method, so calculate it for yourself. GEMATRIA doesn't definitively predict the future -- it allows a Calculated Perspective on the POSSIBLE OUTCOMES. Would you be hatin' on the weatherman? Gambling is exactly what it says: a game of CHANCE. And that doesn't change with rigged sports. Surely you realize that when BIG MONEY is at stake, diverting from the "script" is how the MOST powerful on the inside reap THEIR windfalls. EVERYONE in on the "rigging" knows this will occur -- they just don't know WHEN ... so, like everybody else, they have to be careful not to overextend themselves. Crime syndicates aren't run by dummies -- they don't want key people to EVER become vulnerable to manipulations from OUTSIDE the organization ... denying them the perk of having ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY ABOUT EVERY SINGLE OUTCOME keeps everyone a little on edge & therefore more loyal, & less likely to buck the system. It also reminds everyone else "on the inside" exactly WHO possesses the ULTIMATE Power. For every missed "guess", you can be 100% certain that somewhere, there is a mid-level "insider" who has just been taken down a notch & reminded who exactly, their "boss" REALLY is. Because THATS how the "criminal underworld" works. There's not a top-level "crime boss" alive who would EVER agree to split EVERY SINGLE TAKE with the rest of their organization. They aren't socialists. That would be considered a sign of weakness. In their world, you have to be the guy with MORE of something nobody else has -- in this case: the POWER TO CHANGE THE SCRIPT AT THE LAST MINUTE. So it's STILL ultimately a toss-up, because of the vast amounts of money being wagered. There will NEVER be a "sure thing". EVER. Ye takes yer chances, laddie, ye pay the price ... Nothing in this life is guaranteed. That's why MY dog will ALWAYS stay under the porch ... Lol

    4. Great points as always, I like that you're posting on the blog now. Just be careful, sometimes it will completely eat your comment and there is no way to recover, so I always copy and paste my comment before I submit it. Just an FYI!

  3. They punched the ball out AFTER he caught the ball...

    1. It wasn't secure very long, even the booth guys thought it was a no catch. It was close.

    2. I agree, but if it was real they would have popped the ball out as soon as he touched the ball.

    3. I agree, but if it was real they would have popped the ball out as soon as he touched the ball.

  4. i like your stuff but it's damn near impossible to script that last play. The defenders also have to be careful when they're in the endzone. If they move up and play to aggressive, they risk making contact with the receiver and getting a PI, placing the ball at the goal line. Janis just made a spectacular catch. 99 times out of 100 that play doesn't work. Also, the refs on the field ruled it a catch so there would need to be conclusive evidence to overrule the call on the field. There was a little movement to the ball but it was inconclusive. Like I said before, I like your stuff, but not every single thing is scripted.

    1. Yea, and you're someone who trolls this blog to discredit the information. It was very scripted, you have to be blind not to see it. I think the NFL had an insurance plan with the game finishing at 33 points before the "miracle" finish.

      Miracle = 61
      61-yarder in Detroit, with the reply of Detroit shown seconds before the 41-yarder... Green Bay = 41

    2. Exactly. They would have just called a penalty if the play did not go as planned.

    3. nahhh... because if it were a 42 yarder, you would find a reason for that as well... or 43 or 44 or 45.... if janis dropped the pass, you'd say it was scripted for him to drop it... if mason crosby missed the extra point, you'd say it was scripted for him to miss... yeah, you know i'm right

    4. My preview video is out there, I said 41 was a key number in both prior playoff games, it is all there...
      Key = 11+5+25 = 41
      Lock = 12+15+3+11 = 41

  5. Also the packers are a big market team.. why would the nfl want a small market team like the cardinals playing in the NFC championship... it appears your theories are starting to fall apart

    1. 96th year of existence, Freemason = 96

    2. ok you got me on that one... that 96 keeps showing up. i still think it was a lucky play, not scripted

    3. Correction. 118 years of existence.

    4. They were established in 1920, in Chicago. The Wiki thing is wrong. They even said it in the game, Original NFL Team, 1920 Chicago Cardinals.

  6. Look that 50 Yarder from the end zone was scripted and so was that last play you can't deny it.

    That's why they blitzed and the defenders waited


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