Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, January 15, 2016

96 115 | Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Daily News Headlines, 'New York's flippin' angry'

What headline from CNN, perfect for January 15, and a gang of 'Freemasons'.

If that wasn't enough, notice the cover of Daily News, 'Drop Dead Ted'.

Last night Donald Trump was accusing Ted Cruz of being an illegitimate American because he was born in Canada, from American born Parents, and Ted Cruz was responding by saying Donald Trump could be considered illegitimate, because his mother was a border jumper, coming from Scotland to have her child in America, Donald Trump.  Scotland?  Scottish Rite Freemasons?

There's a nice 'hidden hand' Masonic Pose from Ted.


  1. He had that hidden hand last night too when the anthem was being played.
    It was difficult ta see, but he did it again.

  2. I'd like to hear some opinions from you guys about the 138 on Trump. As Matthew Nicholson has pointed out in some of his awesome research, 138 and its mirror sum to one of the numbers of Saturn. [138 + 831 = 969]

    Of course, we have our usual 138s (George H.W. Bush, Master Mason, Ku Klux Klan, etc..) Something extra troubling about this whole thing is the schedule of these rituals. Mr. Nichols has suggested that the third world war (or at least some very significant event) will take place on 11/26/16, which is 5,555 days after 9/11/01, 322 days after the conjunction of Venus and Saturn and 18 days after the presidential election on 11/8/16.

    Our familiar friend 322 and 18/108 .. sorta spooky to see 8 next to 16 in this context. Could this indicate that the nation will be officially split in half by this time? Also 11 and 8 next to eachother screams 88 to me, which has been a hot number for at least the last year. (probably way longer) Need I mention 118? Sure, what the heck.

    118 simple = Hell on Earth, the Matrix, Ancient Rite, State Run, Hunger Games, Stargate SG1, CERN Collider, Paper Ballot, Excitement, No Option, Patriots, Twin Peaks, Gematria Clock, etc..

    Death = 118 jewish, 38 simple

    Some theories in no particular order:

    1. Trump wins the election and is almost immediately assassinated. His yet unnamed vice president would likely suddenly be thrust in to power. This is a wild card that hardly anybody is talking about.

    2. Obama is assassinated prior to the election and it ends up not taking place at all. This would probably be one of those martial law scenarios people have been fantasizing about for the last few years. Some seem to love the idea and others stress hardcore about it.

    3. Hillary somehow 'wins' the election, even though nobody voted for her and everyone is mysteriously chill about it. You then wake up in a cold sweat and thank heavens that it was just a bad dream.

    4. Trump loses but there is a voting scandal, causing a portion (half?) of the country to rally around him. Civil war then leads immediately to a hot world war, because everything happens instantaneously nowadays and on a worldwide scale.

    5. Trump loses to god knows who and goes back to his acting gig, making hyper-reality, faux-contest TV shows.

    Please don't be afraid to think aloud on this one. Nothing is really too ridiculous at this point and I know none of us have a functional crystal ball. I have to ask you guys because hardly any other group of people can think in these exact terms; numerologically speaking, that is.

    I'm sorta leaning toward the idea that Trump is their chosen one, simply because of the 138.

    1. They couldn't declare Martial Law over just the assassination of the President. It would have to be part of multi regional attack with 'threats abound'.

      I think the election is in the bag for Hillary.

      Zachary Hubbard = 138

    2. Yeah, probably true, but you know how easy it is for them to whip up a good threat at this point.

      Good god this is gonna be so fucking awful if we have to see that smug face for 8 years.

  3. I think the Trump being shot makes sense, even though no one is talking about that point, it has crossed my mind. Everyone is waiting for the blacks to be set off and the race war to begin, but on a psychological level more damage could be done to the nation if the whites were set off against the minorities. I could totally see a Nation split over race, then the USA and Zachs "New America".

    The real question remains, will there even be an election? Does Trump get taken out in March or this Summer and the chaos begins. Obama stays under marshall law or the Speaker of the House and Congress run the show?


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