Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

User Feedback | How communication on my YouTube Channel is neutralized

It is shameful.  Ask yourself, why doesn't this happen on your favorite shill station?


  1. I thought the Polarization Nation guy was being very transparent, until he recently disabled his comments section. Not saying he's a shill, but that's definitely suspect.

    1. He also uses Gematria sometimes, but never gives you credit. Other people have used Gematria before, but no one used it to decode history, and the mainstream agenda until you did. That's how I know, if anybody uses it like that, they got it from you.

    2. People have viewed zach 8 million times. whew.

    3. oy vey- never forget the 8 million.

    4. I dont think he is a shill, but he has some serious problems and cutting off his comments section is a bad move. No man is an island. Also, he just went thru a whole deshilling phase then cuts off the comments when people start coming at him big time. No matter why, it looks bad.

    5. Point taken about the credit bit, but it's not a big deal. If you talk about the planet Uranus, you don't need to mention its discoverer William Herschel.

    6. Yes Stephen; I agree. I don't necessarily think that makes him a shill per say, but it's certainly bad form.

      I can understand where your coming from Edward; I just think you used a poor analogy here. Point being; William Herschel died almost 200 years ago, while Zach is still around and actively teaching people his methods. Whether it's ethically right or wrong, is subjective to the individual. In my opinion; he's doing his viewers a huge disservice, by not giving them the original source to learn from.

  2. Hey man did you hear about the ISIS suicide bombing in Turkey today that killed 10 people? The blast actually happened but it was probably Israeli Mossad (ISIS/Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)

  3. Zach, the same deal as you noticed on YouTube happens with DuckDuckGo.. which is basically Yandex, which is basically Russian Google.

    Search for Zachary K Hubbard and its first suggestion is "Zachary K Hubbard shill" .. Also, it doesn't autoexpand when you scroll down like most searches. It makes you click 'load more' on the very first page break.

    1. Ilya Segalovich = 477 hebrew, 43 chaldean-hebrew, 45 chaldean-hindu

      died of 'meningitis' = 119/714
      a complication from his 'stomach cancer' = 123 simple

      Ilya = 47 simple
      Segalovich = 101 simple
      Russian = 101 simple

      Yandex = 22 chaldean-hindu
      Yandex Dot Ru = 44 chaldean-hindu
      Yet Another Index = 1147 jewish, 1122 english, 187 simple
      Search Engine = 43 chaldean-hebrew, 45 chaldean-hindu
      Russia's Google = 47 chaldean-hebrew/hindu

      DuckDuckGo = 38 chaldean-hindu, 83 zain hebrew
      CompTek = 83 simple (Yandex parent company)

    2. There is always another 33 hiding.

      CompTek = 33 chaldean-hebrew

    3. Very interesting, good heads up! Thank you, and nice breakdown as well.


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