Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

11 26 35 42 62 79 105 223 | Dublin homes raided, February 23, in wake of David Byrne murder (Conor McGregor related)

Dublin = 4+3+2+3+9+5 = 26 (Mason)
Dublin = 4+21+2+12+9+14 = 62 (Mason)

Notice this news comes on 'Conor' day, if you will, February 23, or 2/23.

The phrase 'the synagogue of satan', the name given to the false jews who will rule in the end times, also has gematria corresponding with 'Conor McGregor'.

Mixed = 4+9+6+5+4 = 28
Martial = 4+1+9+2+9+1+3 = 29
Arts = 1+9+2+1 = 13/22
Mixed Martial Arts = 70/79

In the last post, on the murder of David Byrne, I decoded his name, but what I overlooked, were his initials, DB, or 42.

Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
February = 6+5+2+9+3+1+9+7 = 42

11 homes?

Regency = 9+5+7+5+5+3+7 = 41
Hotel = 8+6+2+5+3 = 24
Regency Hotel = 65 (Conor) (6+5 = 11)

Regency = 18+5+7=5+14+3+25 = 77
Hotel = 8+15+20+5+12 = 60
Regency Hotel = 137 (33rd Prime Number) (1+3+7 = 11)

Also notice the searched in 'Clontarf', 'Ballybough' and 'Summerhill'.

Clontarf = 3+3+6+5+2+1=9+6 = 35 (March 5, or 3/5 fight)
Clontarf = 3+12+15+14+20+1+18+6 = 89

Ballybough = 2+1+3+3+7+2+6+3+7+8 = 42 (Freemason, Zionism, Masonry)
Ballybough = 2+1+12+12+25+2+15+21+7+8 = 105 (Zionism, Masonry)

Summerhill = 1+3+4+4+5+9+8+9+3+3 = 49/58 (Freemasonry)
Summerhill = 19+21+13+13+5+18+8+9+12+12 = 130

1 comment:

  1. Hello Zach, don't mean to spam your blog. I sent you an email and I would greatly appreciate it if you checked it out.


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