Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

11.22.63. Episode #2, Gematria Breakdown

Episode #2 of the Hulu show 11.22.63, begins with the date shown above, October 29, 1960, which was the 303rd day of the year, because 1960 was a leap year.

10/29/1960 = 10+29+19+60 = 118 (Death)
10/29/1960 = 10+29+(1+9+6+0) = 55
10/29/1960 = 1+0+2+9+1+9+6+0 = 28
10/29/60 = 10+29+60 = 99

When I began watching the episode, I wondered what would transpire.  As it happens, the main character, played by James Franco, uses his opportunity while traveling back in time, to the kill the father of his student in present time, who told the story of his father murdering his mother, sister and brother on Halloween, October 31, 1960, in Holden, Kentucky.

Halloween = 8+1+3+3+6+5+5+5+5 = 41
10/31 = 10+31 = 41

Halloween is an ancient festival, celebrating death.

Holden = 8+6+3+4+5+5 = 31
Kentucky = 2+5+5+2+3+3+2+7 = 29/47
Holden, Kentucky = 60/78

Holden = 8+15+12+4+5+14 = 58 (Freemasonry)
Kentucky = 11+5+14+20+21+3+11+25 = 110 (President)
Holden, Kentucky = 168

The episode is called 'The Kill Floor'.  The phrase 'Kill Floor' has familiar gematria that corresponds with Kentucky and President.

Throughout the episode, familiar numbers show up.  Notice the 1109 address on the butcher shop.  This is shown just before a crucial scene in the episode.

In the episode, James Franco has to seek out a gun to stop the father who intends to murder his own family.  The name of the store he seeks out is fitting.  Notice the name below, 'Machen's'.

Machen = 13+1+3+8+5+14 = 44
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

And let us not forget this show is about the assassination of JFK, who was murdered, at least supposedly, while the 44th term President.

It should be noted that this episode debuted Monday, February 22, 2016.

2/22/2016 = 2+22+20+16 = 60 (Holden, Kentucky)
2/22/2016 = 2+22+(2+0+1+6) = 33
2/22/2016 = 2+2+2+2+0+1+6 = 15
2/22/16 = 2+22+16 = 40


  1. Off topic - YT are preventing me from posting on your stuff atm :/


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