Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, February 7, 2016

10 24 39 50 | The reason the Broncos won the Super Bowl with 24 points, and the Panthers scored '10'

Twenty Four = 2+5+5+5+2+7+6+6+3+9 = 50
San Francisco = 1+1+5+6+9+1+5+3+9+1+3+6 = 50

The Broncos lost Super Bowl 24 to the 49ers, 55-10.  This year the Broncos are 55-years old, and so is John Elway, who lost that Super Bowl.  Also, this was the 24th Super Bowl win for the AFC.

Denver Broncos finish their season 15-4, with a Super Bowl win, at Levi's Stadium
As for the 'ten' points the Panthers scored, again, '39' was a big number on the game, with Manning being 39-years old, and both representing cities having 39 connections.

Ten = 20+5+14 = 39
Charlotte = 3+8+1+9+3+6+2+2+5 = 39
Denver is on the 39th Parallel


  1. What a boring , fixed game, I hope that manning retires and we are done with him. We knew they would win, kinda surprised by the score. Well Bruno Mars told us to basically, and Beyoncé played the race card. Lol....

    1. I didn't the halftime show but I feel you. Damn people are so fucking blind these days. Its like the announcers were telling you its rigged and it went right over people's heads just like the bs that happened in sb49. Man cam newtons gonna get a big pay day tomorrow. Complete fuckery. well get ready for racial tension. Im not watching this fake bullshit not more. Bunch of Zionist jews and freemasons.

    2. Darius, this is your big chance in asking zach about that post where he said the score summed to 33 but it was really 34. C'mon do it. Instead of saying things that zach says, let's hear you call your boy out. Ask him about that post. Do it. Do it.

    3. Understand, i find it so boring now that you know what is going on, and that damn John Elway, 33 degree mason, he will be front and center for years ...those commercials, oh my gosh, they are like putting it out there, we control you, you are our slaves, we will do as we please, and you can not go a thing about it.

    4. I had 3-0 on a super bowl pool the whole word thought it was gonna be 23-10..I was getting congratulated cause everyone though I was gonna win big fucking deal...

    5. Shirley Hart and many others, there IS something you can do about it. There is really only ONE thing you can do about it. Others here can do that ONE thing too but they have to change their attitude and stop using such filthy language. They are no better than the criminals they complain about. Then they can come to Jesus and give their lives to Him. They have to repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. What? They don't want to do that? Too hard for them to do that? Really? Can't make that choice? Too tough for them? They would rather be in a much worse place than they are now? That's not very clever! But YOU Shirley CAN come to Jesus like I and many millions have already done. Remember, "the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
      Do not worry, the guilty will not go free!

  2. And polarization nation media exposed himself even more, predicted a tsunami on the east coast during the game...

    1. we already know he's a damn shill lol he said in his video he thinks nobody wins and that tom brady was the last sb winner.

    2. The agenda they were pushing was racial division not the bs polar put out.

  3. check out story about Govs of both states making a friendly bet on game. They are wearing team jerseys that add up to final score 33 & 1. Think they had a heads up?

  4. Last time Peyton won the Super Bowl the next year Eli won If anyone paid attention to the background of the announcer booth there was picture of Brady in another of David tyre catch over the pats so I wouldn't be shocked if Super Bowl 51 is giants vs pats

  5. There wont be a superbowl 51. This was it Boys. Next is the destruction coded for the USA. This was final superbowl i truly think. Hope im wrong but i pet goat 2 says im not.

  6. My cousin said last week the Broncos would win with 42 points cause he saw some graphic on the pro bowl with db and 24 everywhere plus the initials d4 b2 he was wrong but not really they ended up with 24

  7. Twenty Four To Ten =241, incredibly similar to the score 24-10.

    President Obama =142. Terrorist =142.

  8. The Score 24-10 reduces to 6-1. President Obama =61.

  9. why don't you go back to your little colts prediction for the last 2 year.. or maybe better yet..colts, eagles, packer, then ,maybe more recently the patriots panthers prediction, dick ride the madden prediction. I mean who do you think you are? You suck. You sand bag everyone else until the very end and say "Hey, I told you so,". You bum fuck. you ran with the panther for the last two weeks. Wheres your Chicago connection brother? You are fucking trash. Where your panthers at? where your colts at? where your eagles at? where your packers at? where your patriots at? lets go faggot

  10. Fibonacci numbers too...

    1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610.

    34 is also the Ninth Fibonacci number, and today's date had 9 numerology, just like '18' has 9 numerology.

    Denver Broncos were in their 55th year of existence this season and John Elway was 55-years old as well.

  11. it was rigged i knew atfer that overturn catch denver was going to win

  12. Zac, you mention Charlotte and I looked at the day gap between Princess Charlotte being born on 2/5/2015 and 7 2/2016 and it was exactly 40 weeks (normal pregnancy) between dates.
    Also, 216 days (6x6x6) between Christening of Charlotte and 7/2/2016


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