Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, February 20, 2016

33 39 44 59 67 96 | New York Police Officer shooting in Bed-Stuy, on Malcolm X St., day before 51-year anniversary of Malcolm X's death

Bed-Stuy is no strange to police related shooting hoaxes.

Bed-Stuy = 2+5+4+1+2+3+7 = 24/33 (Police)
Bed-Stuy = 2+5+4+19+20+21+25 = 96  (Freemason)

Bedford = 2+5+4+6+6+9+4 = 36
Stuyvesant = 1+2+3+7+4+5+1+1+5+2 = 31/40/49
Bedford-Stuyvesant = 67/76/85

Bedford = 2+5+4+6+15+18+4 = 54
Stuyvesant = 19+20+21+25+22+5+19+1+14+20 = 166
Bedford Stuyvesant = 220

Notice the name of the suspect, Jamal Funes.

Jamal = 1+1+4+1+3 = 10
Funes = 6+3+5+5+1 = 20/29
Jamal Funes = 30/39 (New York)

Jamal = 10+1+13+1+12 = 37
Funes = 6+21+14+5+19 = 65
Jamal Funes = 102

Bill = 2+9+3+3 = 17
Bratton = 2+9+1+2+2+6+5 = 27
Bill Bratton = 44
Officer = 6+6+6+9+3+5+9 = 44

According to the history books, Malcolm X was murdered on February 21 by the Nation of Islam, after being warned two days earlier, February 19, that his life was in danger.  Notice this shooting takes places on February 20, the day before Malcolm X's fateful day, at the intersection of Malcolm X Boulevard and Quincy Street.  Also recall that Malcolm X, like Martin Luther King Jr., was killed at age 39, corresponding with the gematria of New York.

Quincy = 8+3+9+5+3+7 = 35
Street = 1+2+9+5+5+2 = 24/33
Quincy Street = 59/68

Quincy = 17+21+9+14+3+25 = 89
Street = 19+20+18+5+5+20 = 87
Quincy Street = 176

Malcolm X = 4+1+3+3+6+3+4+6 = 30
Boulevard = 2+6+3+3+5+4+1+9+4 = 37
Malcolm X Boulevard = 67

Malcolm X = 13+1+12+3+15+12+13+24 = 93 (Dead at 39)
Boulevard = 2+15+21+12+5+22+1+18+4 = 100
Malcolm X Boulevard = 193

2/21/1965 = 2+21+(1+9+6+5) = 44

Notice the names of the officers have not been released.  It is interesting to note that tomorrow will be the 51-year anniversary of the shooting of Malcolm X, and this reported shooting comes on the 51st day of the year.

The January 7 Philadelphia shooting hoax was exactly 44-days ago, connecting to the words 'officer' and 'kill'.  You can read more about that hoax here:

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