Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 25, 2016

39 59 66 | The history of Checker Cab in Kalamazoo, MI in light of Taxi Driver film and Kalamazoo, MI Uber Driver shooting hoax

Yesterday I did a video on the film Taxi Driver and its connections to the Kalamazoo Shooting hoax of February 20, 2016.  What I did not know at the time, was that 'Checker Cab' taxis were once built in Kalamazoo.  In the film Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro's character, Travis Bickle, drives a Checker Cab.

Notice the numerology of the date assembly began, June 18, 1923.

6/18/1923 = 6+18+19+23 = 66 (Dalton = 66) (Markin = 66)
6/18/1923 = 6+18+(1+9+2+3) = 39 (Markin)
6/18/1923 = 6+1+8+1+9+2+3 = 30
6/18/23 = 6+18+23 = 47

It is interesting to note that the propaganda story of the Uber Driver shooting spree in Kalamazoo, MI comes 93-years later

Propaganda = 16+18+15+16+1+7+1+14+4+1 = 93
Saturn = 19+1+20+21+18+14 = 93 (Saturn, keeper of time)

Recall that the shooter in Kalamazoo was named Dalton, and he is credited with killing '6'.

Dalton = 4+1+12+20+15+14 = 66
Six Dead = 19+9+24+4+5+1+4 = 66

Further, recall the shooting began at 6 PM, supposedly, and lasted for 6 hours, killing 6; 6, 6, 6...

Morris = 4+6+9+9+9+1 = 38/47
Markin = 4+1+9+2+9+5 = 30/39
Morris Markin = 68/77/86

Morris = 13+15+18+18+9+19 = 92
Markin = 13+1+18+11+9+14 = 66
Morris Markin = 158

Checker = 3+8+5+3+2+5+9 = 35/44
Cab = 3+1+2 = 6
Checker Cab = 41/50

Checker = 3+8+5+3+11+5+18 = 53
Cab = 3+1+2 = 6
Checker Cab = 59

The gematria of 'Checker Cab' ties in with 'Travis Bickle', 'Uber Driver' and 'Jason'.

Travis = 2+9+1+4+9+1 = 26/35
Bickle = 2+9+3+2+3+5 = 24
Travis Bickle = 50/59

Uber = 3+2+5+9 = 19
Driver = 4+9+9+4+5+9 = 40
Uber Driver = 59

Jason = 10+1+19+15+14 = 59

Of course '59' is the kill number in Jewish Gematria, fitting for a story of an 'uber driving' named 'Jason' on a killing rampage.

Notice the final date of assembly for the Checker plant in Kalamazoo, July 12, 1982.

7/12/1982 = 7+12+19+82 = 120
7/12/1982 = 7+12+(1+9+8+2) = 39 (Markin) (Opened on date with '39' numerology)
7/12/1982 = 7+1+2+1+9+8+2 = 30
7/12/82 = 7+12+82 = 101

7/15/1893 = 7+15+18+93 = 133
7/15/1893 = 7+15+(1+8+9+3) = 43
7/15/1893 = 7+1+5+1+8+9+3 = 34
7/15/93 = 7+15+83 = 115

7/8/1970 = 7+8+19+70 = 104
7/8/1970 = 7+8+1+9+7+0 = 32
7/8/70 = 7+8+70 = 85 (Kalamazoo on the 85th Meridian)

His place of birth stands out.

Smolensk = 1+4+6+3+5+5+1+2 = 27/36/45/54
Russia = 9+3+1+1+9+1 = 24/42
Smolensk, Russia = 51/60/87/96

Smolensk = 19+13+15+12+5+14+19+11 = 108
Russia = 18+21+19+19+9+1 = 87
Smolensk, Russia = 195

It is interesting that he died at age 76, 7-days before his 77th birthday, in light of the moving Taxi Driver, which released in the year '76, and has name gematria connecting to 76.  It is a possible coincidence, or possibly not.

Taxi Driver = 2+1+6+9+4+9+9+4+5+9 = 58/76
Taxi Driver, released February 8, 1976 (The 39th day of the year)

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