Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Donald Trump rant.... and my haunted house


  1. The false Jews like to call in a "GIN" to people they do not take to kindly to.... Just to let you know from experience..
    Shadow person is the "GIN" that I had to deal with.. I know you will laugh at what I'm about to write but please try it... Even if you don't believe in "Jesus" or the name... It will still work.. Just repeat this out loud... When you have that feeling or the air becomes thick.. Say "I Rebuke you in the authority of the name "JESUS" ... It will flee.... The sound of the name is the keys that Jesus has...Just try it..

  2. Man i just wanna escape from this crazy world.

    1. Darius, hang in there buddy. The best years of your life are ahead of you. Your early twenties will be great. And the world needs you a lot.

    2. Well by that time rfid chips will be introduced along with some other crazy stuff.

    3. Darius, I don't think they'll chip us. I think that is one of those things they keep people looking for, as an indicator when the NWO will be full on. But really, I think the chips, are our cell phones. Who goes anywhere without it? That said, I do see them offering the chip service for children in the future, for parents who are afraid of losing their child, and I see many parents willfully doing it. For children who live in state custody, it could also become mandatory, because as the state knows, many of those children are the ones who grow up to be prison fodder. Look at it this way. Things were fucked up when I was your age, and now it is seventeen years later. You are going to have the same perspective, but hopefully people like us can figure out a way to make things better. That is my goal. So for you, and everyone your age and younger, you don't have to grow up in the unnecessary hell. You're way ahead of the game Darius, but this information can have a negative impact on your feelings for this world, so be careful. Take a break from this information and enjoy life for awhile, you are young and need those opportunities now because you're going to miss them when you're older. That's the best advice I can give you. I'd do anything to go back to being your age, but I can't.

    4. Some great advice to Darius, Zach. I took that for myself as well, thanks. I am already in my early twenties.

  3. Is it just me or does that look like a vav-vav-vav in the background wall-stain?

  4. This is great on the ghost front. Cherish the possibility of the other side. In that case death = freedom. Also think along themes, light going on. Illuminating the room. Visibility, the all seeing eye. Don't need numbers here.

    1. 24 thru 26 are the greatest years. 26 being my pinnacle in the sheep herd.

  5. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but electrical problems could be a sign of microwave weapons getting beamed into your house. If your appliances all start going out at the same time you'll know for sure.


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