Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

33 43 | 2,000 year old gold coin found in Israel, only one other known of in the world (March 15, 2016 Propaganda)

Rare = 9+1+9+5 = 24
Gold = 7+6+3+4 = 20
Coin = 3+6+9+5 = 23
Rare Gold Coin = 67
Gold Coin = 43 (March)

Rare = 18+1+18+5 = 42
Gold = 7+15+12+4 = 38
Coin = 3+15+9+14 = 41
Rare Gold Coin = 121
Gold Coin = 79

It is interesting that this story comes on March 15, the anniversary date of the assassination of Julius Caeasr, which supposedly took place in the year 44 BC.

3/15/2016 = 3+15+20+16 = 54
3/15/2016 = 3+15+(2+0+1+6) = 27
3/15/2016 = 3+1+5+2+0+1+6 = 18
3/15/16 = 3+15+16 = 34

Let us not forget the gematria of Galilee, where the coin was found and where Jesus began his ministry at 30.

Galilee = 7+1+3+9+3+5+5 = 33
Galilee = 7+1+12+9+12+5+5 = 51

I have no doubt this story is completely contrived.  The timing of it, March 15, is the biggest clue.

The revolt mentioned of the Jews against the Romans, which is also known as the "Third Jewish-Roman War".  Hmmm... is it just me, or does that reminds of World War III?

What else is odd about this story, is it comes just weeks after a young boy supposedly discovered a 3,400 year old Canaanite Statue on the ground in Israel.  Also, something remarkably rare.


  1. Donald penn number 70 visiting the Giants. Born 1983 so he is going to turn 33 next month. Played in 144 games my bet is he signs. Sometimes I can't believe this shit is scripted....

  2. Total Date Numerology.

    March 15, 2016

    34+54+27+18 = .. 133 ..

    Eastern Galilee" in the English Ordinal system equals 133 / 142

    Tuesday March Fifteenth" in the English Reduction system equals 96 / 105

    Rare Gold Coin Find Israel" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    1. Would make sense if the signing happened tonight 44 days before the draft. Sorry if you don't care

  3. 44 could also be 4d or double D.

    "Now it has a twin." 2248 1056 176


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