Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

39 55 | Bilderberg Conference in Sierra City in May 2016

We need to get to this place!  I wonder if they're meeting May 23...

Bilderberg = 2+9+3+4+5+9+2+5+9+7 = 55
Sierra City = 1+9+5+9+9+1+3+9+2+7 = 55

There's a numerological relationship between '39' and '55' throughout history.  Think about 39 of 55 delegates as signers.  Think about Peyton Manning winning the rigged Super Bowl at age 39 in the Broncos 59th year of existence, plus think of all the other example on this blog and elsewhere yet to be discovered.

May = 13+1+25 = 39


  1. Members of the CFR usually attend.

    "council on foreign relations" in the English Reduction system equals 131
    "cfr" in the English Ordinal system equals 27

    "cfr" in the English Reduction system equals 18

    "trilateral commission" in the English Reduction system equals 92

  2. "trilateral commission" in the English Ordinal system equals 245

  3. "hillary at bilderberg " in the English Reduction system equals 98
    "hillary at bilderberg twenty sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 157
    157 is the 37th prime number

  4. "bilderberg group" in the English Reduction system equals 87
    "bilderberg group" in the English Ordinal system equals 159

    159 = the sum of 3 consecutive prime numbers; 47, 53 and 59. We all know what those numbers mean.

  5. "Herringtons Sierra pines resort" in the English Reduction system equals 159

  6. Sierra city california
    39° 34′ 24″ N, 120° 38′ 13″ W
    Illuminati in Simple Gematria Equals: 120
    Sierra City California in English Gematria Equals: 1290
    1290+0921=2211 22=11=33

  7. If Trump attends, he will he allowed to run and lose to KiIIary. If not, Trump will not make it out of the RNCC and (insert neocon here) will lose to KiIIary.

  8. What dates is Meeting? $HilLIARy has no planned speeches for May 7-19 or May 22-May 30, 2016. All Appearances during those weeks/days are going to be by Bill, Chelsea or a Surrogate.

  9. When are the Bilderberg Group dates? $HilLIARy has no planned Speeches May 7- May 19 and May 22- May 30. Only Bill, Chelsea or a Surrogate has Appearance on those dates.


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