Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, March 14, 2016

41 44 122 144 | Iran rocket launch 'at any minute'? (CNN Pi Day Propaganda, Iran War Mongering)

What is interesting is how this news is coming 'March 15' Iran time, and the gematria of CNN's phrase is 315.

Iran fires missile near U.S. Ship = 135/144/180

At = 1+2 = 3
any = 1+5+7 = 13
minute = 4+9+5+3+2+5 = 28
At any minute = 44 (Military = 44)

At = 1+20 = 21
any = 1+14+25 = 40
minute = 13+9+14+21+20+5 = 82
At any minute = 143 

(May 23, 143rd day and 144th day of the year, depending on "leap year")

It is interesting the fear mongering comes on Pi Day, having to do with cycles and circles, something Iran propaganda very much has to do with.


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