Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

43 46 223 232 322 | Former Toronto Mayor Ford Dead on March 22, 2016 (Ritual Sacrifice)

Toronto = 2+6+9+6+5+2+6 = 36
Mayor = 4+1+7+6+9 = 27
Ford = 6+6+9+4 = 25
Toronto Mayor Ford = 88
Toronto = 20+15+18+15+14+20+15 = 117 
Mayor = 13+1+25+15+18 = 72
Ford = 6+15+18+4 = 43
Toronto Mayor Ford = 232 (Dead on 2/23)  

Also notice the time stamp of '55' minutes.  CNN has had it at that time for more than an hour.  This is a number that connects to 'Sacrifice' just like his age of death, '46'.

Sacrifice = 1+1+3+9+9+6+9+3+5 = 46/55

It's always interesting how the families seem to be in on the ritualistic deaths.  Very suspicious.

Let us decode the numbers on Mr. Ford, who has passed in 'March'.

Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
Bruce = 2+9+3+3+5 = 22
Ford = 6+6+9+4 = 25
Robert Bruce Ford = 80

Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
Bruce = 2+18+21+3+5 = 49
Ford = 6+15+18+4 = 43
Robert Bruce Ford = 170 (World War Three)

5/28/1969 = 5+28+19+69 = 121
5/28/1969 = 5+28+(1+9+6+9) = 58 (Freemasonry)
5/28/1969 = 5+2+8+1+9+6+9 = 40
5/28/69 = 5+28+69 = 102
5/28 = 5+28 = 33 

3/22/2016 = 3+22+20+16 = 61
3/22/2016 = 3+22+(2+0+1+6) = 34 (Murder)
3/22/2016 = 3+2+2+2+0+1+6 = 16
3/22/16 = 3+22+16 = 41 (Skull and Bones) (Skull & Bones identifies by 322) 

He died 67-days before his birthday.  Remember, 'blood sacrifice' = 67.

Blood = 2+3+6+6+4 = 21
Sacrifice = 1+1+3+9+9+6+9+3+5 = 46/55
Blood Sacrifice = 67/76   

There's also a connection to 'Ford' and 'March' as well as 'Yale' where Skull and Bones is located.

Ford = 6+15+18+4 = 43
March = 13+1+18+3+8 = 43
Yale = 25+1+12+5 = 43

And below are some helpful notes from a subscriber.  Remember, 'Freemason = 42' and 'Kill = 44'.  


  1. I tied this into my Canadian football league deconstruction. I will post a long article when Im done, but all signs point to Toronto for the following 2017 grey cup. Now adding this, that he died 616 days before the 2017 grey cup. That year toronto will be chasing the 105th grey cup, that matches the teams gematria and if they win it will be there 17th grey cup, how fitting in 2017. I got allot to add but no time now.

  2. Great insights Zach.
    I would not be surprised if Ford took his masonic advantages too far and they had to cut him loose.
    This reminds me of the Tim Russert death ten years ago. In 2004 Russert mentioned Skull & Bones and #322 in interviews with both Kerry and Bush. Tim was dead of cancer a couple years later.

    1. Mayor Rob Ford wasn't a Mason.
      Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair is.
      The Man who battled Rob constantly with every move.

  3. Yep No doubt in my mind they killed him.
    He was to straight forward and outspoken.
    And Had Opposition & Battles with Police Chief Bill Blair.
    Who is a Known Canadian FreeMason.
    And Also Blackmailed him into a confession of doing drugs years before office at a party.
    The people of Torontovoted him back even after the scandal.
    Then he all of a sudden gets a fast developing cancer.
    And Dies on 322 , day of the skull and bones masonic order.
    Rob B Ford = 44
    Cancer = 44
    Kill = 44
    Rob Ford = 42
    Freemason = 42 rob wasn't a mason.
    Died age 46
    Sacrifice = 46
    Need more proof?
    Rob Ford on Jimmy Kimmel Full ->
    They try to make it like all Canada hated him by only
    reading the bad / hate comments. But we loved him!

  4. Robert the Bruce was King of Scots 1306 to 1329.
    Scottish Freemasonry and all that.
    Ford could also be 4d

  5. Or four-ed as in cut into 4s/quarters

  6. Rob Ford =272. The Newsweek cover from 2/12 showed a suicide vest that read 2.72. News of his death broke at almost the exact same time as the suicide bombers in Brussels. Crack Smoker =72/702. He died 7200 hours after his last birthday and 2 months 7 days before his next.

    Robert Bruce Ford =170. Mayor Ford =701. Crack Smoker =117. He was 17,100 days old when he died - exactly 79 weeks after it was announced he has cancer. Murder =79. Smoking Crack =79.


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