Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

44 46 59 64 68 84 144 | Upcoming Good Friday and Easter Sunday, March 25, 2016 & March 27, 2016

Abraham Lincoln was shot on Good Friday, April 14, 1865 and died early the next morning, at 7:22 AM, April 15, 1865.

Good = 7+6+6+4 = 23
Friday = 6+9+9+4+1+7 = 36
Good Friday = 59 (Kill, Jewish Gematria)

Good = 7+15+15+4 = 41
Friday = 6+18+9+4+1+25 = 63
Good Friday = 104 (10-4, message received)

This year Good Friday falls on an alarming date, March 25, 2016.

3/25/2016 = 3+25+20+16 = 64 (Barack Hussein Obama)
3/25/2016 = 3+25+(2+0+1+6) = 37
3/25/2016 = 3+2+5+2+0+1+6 = 19
3/25/16 = 3+25+16 = 44 (Kill) (Honest Abe) (Abraham) (Obama is #44)

I have done work on May 23, 2016 as an "assassination date".  Let us not overlook that March 25 is a reflection of this date.  5/23.... 3/25...

Let's compare the date numerology of when Lincoln was shot.

4/14/1865 = 4+14+18+65 = 101 (Assassin)
4/14/1865 = 4+14+(1+8+6+5) = 38 (Death)
4/14/1865 = 4+1+4+1+8+6+5 = 29
4/14/65 = 4+14+65 = 83

Lincoln is known as the President to 'save the union', he would die on the next day, with numerology of 102, 39, 30 and 84.  Keep in mind the following gematria of 'United States of America'.

United States of America = 84/93/102
The Civil War began on the 102nd day of the year

This year Easter falls on the 27th.  We know about '27' and death.  Let's check the numerology of the date as well.

3/27/2016 = 3+27+20+16 = 66
3/27/2016 = 3+27+(2+0+1+6) = 39
3/27/2016 = 3+2+7+2+0+1+6 = 21
3/27/16 = 3+27+16 = 46 (Sacrifice)

'Easter Sunday' also has the special gematria of '44'.

Easter = 5+1+1+2+5+9 = 23/32
Sunday = 1+3+5+4+1+7 = 21/30
Easter Sunday = 44/53/62 (Kill = 44) (Religion = 53) (Mason = 62)

Easter = 5+1+19+20+5+18 = 68 (Barack Obama)
Sunday = 19+21+14+4+1+25 = 84 (Obama, Jewish Gematria) (Obama born 8/4)
Easter Sunday = 152

And let us not forget how the 'Easter Bunny' ties in with 'Easter'.

Easter = 5+1+1+2+5+9 = 23/32
Bunny = 2+3+5+5+7 = 22
Easter Bunny = 45/54

Easter = 5+1+19+20+5+18 = 68
Bunny = 2+21+14+14+25 = 76
Easter Bunny = 144


  1. From Wikipedia: "March 25, 1965 - Civil rights activists led by Martin Luther King Jr. successfully completed their 4-day 50-mile March from Selma to the Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama."

    1. Good work, that date has a '93' connection.
      3/25/65 = 3+26+65 = 93
      Martin Luther King Jr. = 93

  2. Xena = 44
    The Princess Warrior now part of LGBT propaganda.

  3. Dune=44 it was published in 1965
    On 9/9/1980 the British oil tanker "Derbyshire" vanished along with its crew of 44.

  4. Cadbury egg = 39 and 48
    Hershey = 88 and 43

    Probably should 't eat those

  5. Barack Obama in Simple Gematria Equals: 68
    Easter in Simple Gematria Equals: 68


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