Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

51 74 76 137 444 | Jack Haley's March 16, 2016, former San Antonio Spur & Chicago Bull

There is something very interesting about this death which connects to the Spurs.

Jack = 1+1+3+2 = 7/16
Kevin = 2+5+4+9+5 = 25/34
Haley = 8+1+3+5+7 = 24
Jack Kevin Haley = 56/74 (Masonic = 74)
Jack Haley = 31/40 (Basketball = 31)

Jack = 10+1+3+11 = 25
Kevin = 11+5+22+9+14 = 61
Haley = 8+1+12+5+25 = 51 (Dead at 51)
Jack Kevin Haley = 137 (33rd Prime Number)
Jack Haley = 76 (Spurs established in '76)

1/27/1964 = 1+27+19+64 = 111
1/27/1964 = 1+27+(1+9+6+4) = 48
1/27/1964 = 1+2+7+1+9+6+4 = 30
1/27/64 = 1+27+64 = 92

3/16/2015 = 3+16+20+15 = 54
3/16/2015 = 3+16+(2+0+1+5) = 27
3/16/2015 = 3+1+6+2+0+1+5 = 18
3/16/15 = 3+16+15 = 34

What is interesting, is that from his date of death, to the start of the NBA Finals this year, is a span of 444-days, a number connected to 'Masonic', just like the gematria of his name.

Jack Kevin Haley = 74
With regards to him dying at age 51, the Cavs will be the likely opponent for the team to make the NBA Finals from the Western Conference.  The city of Cleveland has not won a pro sports championship in 51-years, as of 2016.

LeBron James = 42/51
Cleveland Cavs = 42/51
Cleveland = 33/51
Cleveland, no pro sports championships in 51-years
Conspiracy = 51/60

Making matters even more interesting, Haley was a member of the Chicago Bulls team that won 72-games in 1995-96.

Jordan was also on that team.  Jordan finished his career with 6 NBA Championships.  If the Spurs were to win the Finals this year, Tim Duncan will have won 6 NBA Finals as well.


  1. This a very interesting find its fun when the numbers match up for 2 teams because it could go ethier way.

    You Gota love the Mason's for creating this fake drama between the cavs to make it seem like there but getting along in they mite lose in the east lol

    In only thing with the Spurs is steph curry is the new Jordan so I have to him in the finals right?

  2. I've read the debate on who is better Duncan or kobe


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