Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

39 122 131 | Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton win New York Primary, April 19, 2016

Huge = 8+3+7+5 = 23
wins = 5+9+5+1 = 20/29
for = 6+6+9 = 21
Trump = 2+9+3+4+7 = 25
Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33
Huge wins for Trump, Clinton = 122/131

Are we going to see these two in the 'championship'?

May 23 follows the April 19th primary wins by 34-days.

Also, I just want to point out the numerology of the primary.

4/19/16 = 4+19+16 = 39

NY = 39
New York = 39
7/26/1788 = 39
Empire = 39
39-Floors at the United Nations in NY
First Governor named George, born in '39 (George Clinton)
George = 39
MSG = 39
Madison = 39 (George Clinton was VP to Madison)
and more...

One last note about April 19.  It is typically the 109th day of the year.

From April 19 to election day, November 8, is a span of 29-weeks.  109 is the 29th prime number.

I think this win in New York for Hillary was more symbolic than we know.


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  2. Was just doing a breakdown of that address on the Hillary Letter. Go check my comment post under that article from earlier.

    Capital District Brentwood Rd" in the English Reduction system equals 122 / 131

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