Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, May 2, 2016

16 33 42 58 97 113 | Alex Lowe body recovered after 1999 ice climbing death in Shishapangma, China

This man whose body has been recovered was born in '58, a year that is now 58-years ago.  Notice his body is now being recovered in '16 after 16-years of being lost.

Freemasonry = 58
Sixteen = 33 (Number of Freemason obsession)

Keep in mind Tibet is a land of political struggle.

The date of death on October 5 reminds of the following.

Masonry = 105
Zionism = 105

The emphasis on 'undoubtedly' is a bit creepy.

Stewart = 1+2+5+5+1+9+2 = 25/34
Alexander = 1+3+5+6+1+5+4+5+9 = 39
"Alex" = 1+3+5+6 = 15
Lowe = 3+6+5+5 = 19
Stewart Alexander Lowe = 83/92
Alex Lowe = 34 (Murder)

Stewart = 19+20+5+23+1+18+20 = 106
Alexander = 1+12+5+24+1+14+4+5+18 = 84
"Alex = 1+12+5+24 = 42
Lowe = 12+15+23+5 = 55
Stewart Alexander Lowe = 245
Alex Lowe = 97

It is interesting that he died in Shishapangma, China.

Shishapangma = 1+8+9+1+8+1+7+1+5+7+4+1 = 53/62/71
China = 3+8+9+5+1 = 26
Shishapangma, China = 79/88/97

Notice how the gematria of the location matches the name Alex Jones.

Shishapangma = 19+8+19+8+1+16+1+14+7+13+1 = 107
China = 3+8+9+14+1 = 35
Shishapangma, China = 142

12/24/1958 = 12+24+19+58 = 113
12/24/1958 = 12+24+(1+9+5+8) = 59
12/24/1958 = 1+2+2+4+1+9+5+8 = 32
12/24/58 = 12+24+58 = 94

10/5/1999 = 10+5+19+99 = 133
10/5/1999 = 10+5+(1+9+9+9) = 43
10/5/1999 = 1+0+5+1+9+9+9 = 34
10/5/99 =10+5+99 = 114

In light of his 113 birth numerology, it is interesting he died 11-weeks and 3-days before what would have been his forty-first birthday.


  1. This story comes out right when the film Everest from last year releases on DVD.

  2. Also he died 7 days before we all "party like it's nineteen ninety nine"


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