Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

187 1122 | Observation about '187' and '1122', the Rodney Glen King III example

Think about how JFK was assassinated 11/22.

'187' is the homicide code in California.  Rodney Glen King III is who was supposedly beaten within an inch of his life by the LAPD in California.

Anyhow, if a word has '187' simple english gematria, it will have '1122' English Gematria.

In light of JFK's death, I really don't think this is coincidence.

I'll need to go back over JFK, I wonder if there is a 187 there, or perhaps that is what the 11/22 serves for?


  1. Just got news that Dylann Storm Roof has THIRTY-THREE (33) federal charges going against him now. I dont even know what to say. Its ridiculous.

    1. JFK was assassinated at 12:30 pm central time

      Twelve thirty = 187

    2. Twelve thirty = 1122 as well

    3. Wow 50cent has a song called flight 187.

  2. It is a factor of 11 => 11 * 17

  3. With Cosby being back in the headlines and the officer just cleared of Freddie Gray case, how significant is the fact that the two-part series finale of the Cosby show aired on the evening of day two of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots?

    1. I am sure it was no coincidence. Cosby has always been used to push the racial programming.
      This documentary from 1968 aired on CBS and speaks about all kinds of black inventors and such that were not ever mentioned in history. Also how great artists such as Picasso weren't original used the Egyptian art to create theirs.
      It is all bs programming to get 'Blacks' and 'Whites' to fight over things that do not matter and never have.

    2. Thanks for the link Korey

  4. JFK Assassination =1122/187. He died in the 187th year of America.

  5. No 187s here, but the word always seems to be pushed when discussing the reign of JFK:
    "camelot" in the English Reduction system equals 24 (3+1+4+5+3+6+2), which reduces to 6
    "camelot" in the English Ordinal system equals 69 (3+1+13+5+12+15+20), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6
    "camelot" in the English Gematria system equals 339 (3+1+40+5+30+60+200), which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6


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