Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, May 2, 2016

21 41 | LaMarcus Aldridge scores 41-points in Game 2 of semifinals against Oklahoma City, May 2, 2016

LaMarcus followed up his 38-point game with a 41-points game, but 'San Antonio' still lost.

San Antonio = 1+1+5+1+5+2+6+5+9+6 = 41

What else stands out is both teams scoring 21-points in the fourth quarter.  This loss was on the 'Spurs' home court.

Spurs = 1+7+3+9+1 = 21

The Spurs also opened the game with 21-points.  When San Antonio was purposefully tanking at the beginning, my favorite observation was Leonard purposefully missing the lay-in right at the rim, unobstructed.  The players are definitely in on it.


  1. The Spurs got robbed at the end by the refs in now there making a big thing of it so the question is was it already written in the script for the Spurs to lose on a blown call?

    Ethier way the thunder has a real shot of winning this series

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  2. Milo's passion for this exceeds most. He might be all over the place but he's no idiot. What are you bringing to the table?

  3. I think the Spurs still win the series but them losing on a night Cleveland won is not by mistake.

  4. The cavs scored 104 points
    The Spurs scored 97
    The difference of 7
    This could be Lebron's 7th NBA FINALS appearance. 7 is the number of completion.
    Lebron lost to the Spurs in his first NBA FINALS with Cleveland. Perhaps this a clue that Lebron will avenge that lose this year

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  8. Being the weaker team is not necessarily a big deal. Look at Denver, who won the Super Bowl. There were obviously weaker than Carolina but still won. Don't forget the shot is rigged lol. Being better or playing tougher competition means jack shit lol

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    2. The funny thing is you still are a fan of a team that is synced up with the worship of Saturn and Satan. And a fan nonetheless knowing this shit is rigged.

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    4. You shouldn't really have a team in the first place Milo. At least not anymore. Rooting for teams shows a lack of intelligence and disregard for everything shared on this blog. I almost regret sticking up for you.

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    1. "Polls" in the English Ordinal system equals 74
      Masonic equals 74

      The polls are rigged too.

    2. OMG the Spurs are gonna win it LOL LOL LOL :) I want Tim Duncans jizz all in my face LOL LOL :)))))

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    5. Zach how much will it take for you to block Milo the Moron?

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    7. Stop acting like a wimp Milo.

    8. LOL LOL LOL :):):)!!!!!!!!

  10. Milo is an idiot. Its more likely Duncan ends up "5-2" in finals. NBA wont let him tie Jordan. He will honor Kobe with same finals record. Go look at when Lebron played Kobe his last game. Lebron scored 24 to honor him. Kobes last gm vs Duncan he scored 25 pts on 25 shots, Duncan scored 12 pts and grabbed 13 rebs. On 5/2 today, James scores 25. The 2 and 5 numbers will represent Duncans finals record in honor of Kobe. So obvious

    1. Not to mention Cle 52nd game was against Lakers and Kobe. This is all tied to the potential finals records

    2. so it is going to be Cavs vs Spurs?

    3. I think Cavs-GSW will happen. Vegas can cash in alot of money.

    4. i am still going with Cavs vs GSW Cavs in 6

  11. You really have to understand Milo that " spurs lost game 1 ( bad shooting! ) doesnt exists , there is so such thing as competition in NBA , watch a game

    There is one of the famous NBA plays in History
    Look all those guys playing there role , put the 0.25 speed up , Bosh doesnt even screen TP , TP acting like he's in panic , which is totally dumb because there is 3 point deficit and it will be a 3points shoot in every case , there are pro ballers , they know

    So , he acting like crazy and let Lebron take his spot , just like a masonic ritual , Bosh doesnt even block him , look Bosh , he know exactly what he has to do , look everyone at 0.25 speed , Kawhi could block the rebound easily , everyone acting like they are freeze by the moment LOL they are PRO BALLERS , they just acting pressure , Bosh takes the rebound and Ginobili fake the battle , this shit is calculated so hard , look every guys ,

    I played basketball many years , if you are 6""6 and athletic , go on the playground , played hard basketball , but say to you mates " u will defend hard my next two shot , ill made the third on turnaround jumpshot , and ull block my fourth" and then , just play , and record it

    I will be the same ! Physical contact , sweat , face Like " on your face b ** tch" !!

    But the difference that is scheduled .

    Guys wake up , its all about masonic mental control

    You'll realise masons play ps4 , song like Bieber and plays NBA, there is a time for sex , a time for play and a time for work , open your eyes when you watch a game , if the shoots have to go , you will see if you watch with you heart , the defender always exagerate when he knows it is supposed to come in the basket , but he never blocked the view of the shooters or disturb him , its all acting "like he's doing a hard" defense but thats straight BULLSHIT

    now iv seen thgrouh the matrix for a while trust me

  12. And how can you even believe it is really played , and then says that" We are using Gematria and putting theories here in order to solve puzzles, I"

    Dear Milo , a puzzle can be decoded if it has been coded , the only way to code a game from A to B , a day from A to B , a year , championship from A to B , it has to be calculated , from the beginning to the final ring of the game.

    Every sport is the same , but i know it can be hard to understand all the complexity of how a such biggest thing , such a "fake view" in front of our eyes since kid , but thats is the truth and the more you will watch sports with you heart , the more you'll see it

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  15. In which way it points out the 97 wizards ? I mean how it can not points out the last contract Ducan sign on 9/7 last year ? I really dont understand how you connect dots beside playing with numbers , and im just tryin to understand , like for this "97" ?

  16. Well i havent misunderstood , you stated it : it will be the easiest series for them to win (compare to playing the GSW and the OKC). Cle is the weakest team of the 4: GSW, Spurs, OKC, and Cle

    Sixers could have 82 wins if the mothers lodges want it , thats what i mean

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  18. "Gentlemen! Gentlemen! You can't fight here, it's the War Room.


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