Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, May 21, 2016

239 | Nyquist Frequency, what 'Nyquist' and the United States being 239-years old have to do with one another

Oh duh!


  1. Replies
    1. I have been waiting for the

      Back to back-----69

      This year, I didn't think about

      Back to back triple crowns----1619(J)

      Its 69 all year.

  2. Also on the Cavs ESPN Page. Nyquist timestamp 1:22.

    Pimlock or the track name equals 221. When the video is over its at 1:37. 33 prime and three equals 336.

    Three has the same numerology as Mario. Aka the Jockey. 3...3.5 odds 3 plus 3 is 6 times 5.....May Twenty one equals 56/65. Which is coded for them today.

    33 times 5 is 165.

    Also I see some 198 as well which is 33x6. Three equals 336.

    Pretty sure I've seen 198 for the Cavs.

  3. 1 plus 22 is 23 Lol.

    Also 1:22 is 82 Seconds. Twenty eight has the same numerology as 33 on Gematrix.

  4. Nyquist won't get the Triple after all

  5. stuid nyquist. When odds fell this morning it was a clear sign he was done

    1. funny he came in 3rd tho. the 1st 3 were 5-1-3 like the miraculous catch

    2. They fell to 2"1 odds. Failure equals 321......

  6. So Nyquist lined up virtually perfectly to win today but ended up 3rd. Why? From what ive seen and researched their doesnt seem to be any direct correlation between the team/individual with all the links and the team that actually wins an event.

    Infact over recent months ive seen the team with more synchronizes have mostly ended up losing sometimes to a team with no synchronizes..

    1. tbh i didnt see much going for nyquist today other than it was 141st day and triple crown =63. that stuff wasnt as strong as the kentucky derby

    2. Such as? I am noticing the trainer who won is French.

    3. There's been enough predictions come true to make me a believer. Nobody can be 100% right about everything. I'd start questioning whether Zach was a mason himself if he was 100%. I never trust anyone entirely, especially on the internet, but we're all human, and prone to error.

      I'm looking at the horse who died before the race.. He was #3, the jockey wore purple, and Nyquist finished 3rd out of the 3rd spot. His odds were 3:5.. The #5 horse won. Sometimes things become more clear after the fact..

    4. seemed like derby synced with the jockey and horse and date for derby

    5. Im not denying Zach knows what he's doing, or that all of these things arnt linked up its so clear that these numbers are their for a reason.

      I suppose im struggling to see consistency... Maybe there isnt any. Liverpool were heavily linked to this years europa league final and ended up losing out to sevilla a team that didn't have many if any connections to this years cup.

  7. i have doubts on the cavs...all ive heard is triple crown and if it was rigged he would of won

    1. im a punter..who is the future locks you think? Or is it just cavs atm?

  8. And does the belmont stakes even have numbers match on that date?


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