Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 5, 2016

25 54 322 | UFC Fighter Jordan Parsons is killed from complications due to being hit by car, May 4, 2016 

Jordan = 1+6+9+4+1+5 = 26
Parsons = 7+1+9+1+6+5+1 = 30/48
Jordan Parsons = 56/74

Jordan = 10+15+18+4+1+14 = 62
Parsons = 16+1+18+19+15+14+19 = 102
Jordan Parsons = 164

8/26/1990 = 8+26+19+90 = 143
8/26/1990 = 8+26+(1+9+9+0) = 53
8/26/1990 = 8+2+6+1+9+9+0 = 35
8/26/90 = 8+26+90 = 124

5/4/2016 = 5+4+20+16 = 45
5/4/2016 = 5+4+2+0+1+6 = 18
5/4/16 = 5+4+16 = 25

Notice he died at age 25, 3-months and 22-days before what would have been his 26th birthday.  Again, Jordan sums to 26.  The number '322' is affiliated with 'Skull and Bones' which has a connection to the age '25'.

Notice that Jordan had completed 13-career fights.

The nickname 'Pretty Boy' has gematria of '47', the reflection of his birth name gematria, '74'.  Pretty Boy also sums to 146, much like his birth name gematria of 164.


  1. hit -- 37/19/117
    and -- 19/10/45
    run -- 53/17/320
    hit and run -- 109/46/482

    mixed -- 55/28/348
    martial -- 74/29/241
    artist -- 87/24/380
    mixed martial artist -- 216/81/969


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