Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

33 42 44 58 59 71 113 144 | Trump Tombstone mystery solved, artist Brian A. Whiteley responsible, May 9, 2016 (New York Times)

This story dates back to March 27, the 88th day of the year, a span of 44-days.

Recall how '44' and '59' connect to 'kill'.

Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
Kill = 10+9+20+20 = 59 (Jewish)

Notice this story comes May 9, a lot like 5/9, or '59'.

You also have to appreciate the 1-month and 13-days, a lot like '113' for Scottish.  The 6-weeks and 2-days also connects to '62', like 'Mason'.

First notice the weight of the tombstone, "420" pounds.  April 20 is the 110th day of the year, corresponding with the word 'President'.  Also, 420 is a lot like '42' for Freemason.  Let us decode the names of the men who are responsible for the tombstone, at least sort of.  Their names are quite condemning in this ongoing propaganda.

Frank = 6+9+1+5+2 = 23 (Donald)
Cassara = 3+1+1+1+1+9+1 = 17/35
Frank Cassara = 58 (Trump Tombstone = 58) (Freemasonry = 58) (58-days before May 23)

Frank = 6+18+1+14+11 = 50 (Donald)
Cassara = 3+1+19+19+1+18+1 = 62
Frank Cassara = 112 (Alt dialing code for 911)

*Donald will turn 70 June 14, 2016, like the age of Frank in this contrived story.

Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Cassara = 3+1+1+1+1+9+1 = 17/35
Michael Cassara = 50/68

Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
Cassara = 3+1+19+19+1+18+1 = 62
Michael Cassara = 113 (Scottish) (Mainstream)

*Donald Trump's business career began in 1968, special year... "911 year"

Officer Donald Sadowy, really?

Donald = 4+6+5+1+3+4 = 23
Sadowy = 1+1+4+6+5+7 = 24/33 (Police = 33)
Donald Sadowy = 47/56 (President = 47/56)

Donald = 4+15+14+1+12+4 = 50
Sadowy = 19+1+4+15+23+25 = 87 (Clinton)
Donald Sadowy = 137 (33rd Prime Number)

The tombstone was placed March 27, typically the 87th day of the year.  In 2016, it was the 88th.

Trump = 20+18+21+13+16 = 88

They arrived April 4, with the big break in the case..... 4/4...

Forty-Four = 144
April Fourth = 144
Time = 144 (Jewish)

And can you believe it?  The man is 33-years old, Brian A. Whiteley, which sounds kind of like "white lie", perhaps as this story is seen by the jokers in the media.  He also did a phone interview on March 30 with New York Times supposedly.  In history, the Times was established on a date with '33' numerology, September 18, 1851.

9/18/1851 = 9+1+8+1+8+5+1 = 33
March 30, or 3/30 = 3+30 = 33

Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
A. = 1
Whiteley = 5+8+9+2+5+3+5+7 = 44
Brian A. Whitely = 71 (Seventy-One = 144)

Brian = 2+18+9+1+14 = 44 (Shooting)
A. = 1
Whiteley = 23+8+9+20+5+12+5+25 = 107 (Shooting)
Brian A. Whiteley = 152

In light of his name, let us remember that May 23, 2016 is the 144th day of the year and a date with '44' numerology.

5/23/16 = 5+23+16 = 44


  1. How many people have that kind of money to throw around just to try call out some stupid celebrity? Especially if it might get u into legal trouble and really the only thing it would accomplish is giving Trump more headlines and cast him in a sympathetic light to boot?

    Carving things in stone brings the Georgia Guidestones to mind.

  2. Good stuff Zach, im almost nervous to see what the 23rd will bring.

    Bombing = 170...

    1. Could be's all just to be Aware. We are all wrong many times but when numbers fall into place like they do for May 23 its hard to deny that if does seem like something will happen.Anything from a political death to something in NYC

    2. Could be's all just to be Aware. We are all wrong many times but when numbers fall into place like they do for May 23 its hard to deny that if does seem like something will happen.Anything from a political death to something in NYC


  3. I dont *&$@#!@ believe it -- 222/105/1333
    big break in the case -- 139/76/377

    His middle name is "Andrew"

    Brian -- 44/26/132
    Andrew -- 65/29/1030
    Whiteley -- 107/44/1447
    Brian Andrew Whiteley -- 216/99/2609

    Have a gander at his "Art"


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