Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, May 12, 2016

33 93 96 119 | Max Scherzer's May 11, 2016 record tying 20 strikeout performance

Here we go again with Max Scherzer, baseball's golden boy for scripted milestones.  Last year he had the 106-pitch no hitter and then the 109-pitch no hitter exactly 106-days later.

No Hitter = 109

Yesterday, at the close of the Scherzer's 8th inning pitching, he walked off the mound with 106 pitches and 18 strikeouts....

Prophecy = 106
Prophecy = 666 (Jewish Gematria)

18 = 6+6+6

This game came on May 11, 2016.

5/11/2016 = 5+11+20+16 = 52

Prophecy = 7+9+6+7+8+5+3+7 = 52

You have to love that the Nationals were up 3-1 while #31 was on the mound fulfilling "prophecy".

Notice the "9 3-pitch strikeouts" on "Saturn Day".

Saturn = 511 (May 11, or 5/11)
Saturn = 93

96 strikes on 119 pitches?  Scherzer tied Clemons record from April 29, 1986, the 119th day of the year.  That was also 30-years ago.

Saturn = 1/10+1+2+3+9+5 = 21/30

Also, let us not forget the significance of 96 and 119.

All Seeing Eye = 119
Star of David = 119

Freemason = 96

33 whiffs?  I remember that stat being yelled out in the World Series!  Fitting for a 'Nationals' game.

Nationals = 5+1+2+9+6+5+1+3+1 = 33

Notice he did this against the Tigers, the team connected to the prophesy of the Chicago Cubs.  As I said, this season is all about the Cubs.  Check my work on 'Curse of the Billy Goat'.

There's Roger's records from the 119th day of the year.

4/29/86 = 4+29+86 = 119 (April 29, 119th day)

9/18/96 = 9+18+96 = 123 (Conspiracy)

I wouldn't be surprised if Scherzer breaks the 20k record later this season or in his career.

Kerry Wood of the Cubs had 20 strikeout at age 20.  Notice ESPN brings up the Cubs player in the presentation....

My favorite '81' word is 'Wizard'.  81 is a number with 9 numerology, that special number in baseball, the game of 9 innings.

In the beginning we started with '106', notice the opposing starting pitcher Zimmerman had 106 tosses on the night.

I love that Scherzer became 4-2 on the season, with 96 strikes.

Freemason = 42
Freemason = 96

I love that he faced '33' batters as well, going nicely with the 33 whiffs.

Prophecy = 106

Don't forget about that Tiger captured in Houston.  I think the Astros bad start is a sports betting trap.


  1. Nats vs Cubs nlcs looks good right now. I have no clue who goes in the al

    1. I could see the White Sox, since they're the other Chicago team, also doing very well. These rigged sports love their narratives.

  2. Damn near missed 21 strikeouts 21 balls on the 121st pitch...

  3. Saw SI os calling Bill Clinton the future

    First Dude----106

    Made me snicker

  4. 119 the number of American Christians who signed a petition against the Protocols of Zion in 1921.

  5. CC Sabathia
    Kind of like 33 Sabbath

    1. He looked very well rested in 2011. Maybe only on Sundays now.


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