Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, May 21, 2016

39 47 111 119 666 | 12-year old girl ties paying tug of war at school, May 19, 2016 (May 23 predictive programming?)

So a 12-year old died playing 'tug of war' in 'Pell City' at her school's 'field day'?

Of course 39 has numerology of '12' like her age.

39 = 3+9 = 12

What is this bullshit story really about, eh?

Notice the dates on the sign, May 19 and May 23.  In case you forgot already, May 19 was the day the plane disappeared, also typically the 139th day of the year.

Personally, I'm looking forward to 'Honors Day'.

Let's examine our numbers; 39, 47, 119.  Do I need to elaborate?

Jews go by the 39-Books in the Old Testament....

Tug of War also connects to '111' and '666' in addition to '39'.  Think about how New York connects to all of these letter.

New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39 (Tug of War) (Field Day)


  1. Tug of war---111

    Every election year is a tug of war, as a tug of war(non-gaming event) is when two equally matched factions are struggling to obtain control over the same objective.

    New York, of course, is also 111 and where Hillary is coming from. Could this signify her political defeat?

    Of course, with 171 days until the election, could just be a Coincidence.

  2. Upon further review, I think this is a finacial collapse piece. 111 for the Tug of War and New York, Madison Avenue is in NY, Wentworth makes me think of financial giant JG Wentworth.

    The say she collapsed suddenly with no known health issues, tug of war wasn't even really part of it. Of course there is a GoFraudMe page to pay the family.

  3. 12 year old - 1+2+7+5+1+9+6+3+4 = 38

    12 year old girl - 1+2+7+5+1+9+6+3+4+7+9+9+3 = 66

  4. WILLIAMS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL" in the English Reduction system equals 122

    GOLDEN GATE= 122

  5. ELOUISE HAROLD WILLIAMS" in the English Reduction system equals 98
    "ELOUISE AND HAROLD WILLIAMS" in the English Reduction system equals 108


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