Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, May 20, 2016

41 113 311 | May 20, 2016 shooting at White House, Secret Service shoot and arrest man

5/20/16 = 5+20+16 = 41 (USA) (Barack Obama)
5/20/2016 = 5+20+20+16 = 61 (God) (Year Obama was born)
5/202016 = 5+2+0+2+0+1+6 = 16

Notice the '1:13' time stamp.  So predictable.

Remember, the Secret Service was officially established the date Lincoln was shot, April 14, 1865.... or 14/4...

If you sum the streets, they total 311.  Cheating?

New Testament = 159

Revelation concludes the New Tesatment.

I love when Joe Johns is on.

Joe = 1+6+5 = 12
Johns = 1+6+8+5+1 = 21/30
John Johns = 33/42 (Freemason = 42)

Joe = 10+15+5 = 30
Johns = 10+15+8+14+19 = 66
Joe Johns = 96 (Freemason = 96)


  1. Brian Williams is on MSNBC breathing heavily "white male with a gun" LOL I can't believe they brought him back!

  2. Bringing up the Uber driver again just before 5.23. They even show the image of his 5.23 fare for the video on the left.
    I like the part when the lady starts whaling. They all look like whales in the court room.

  3. Doesn't look like cheating to me. The more I see, the more it looks like They run pretty fast and loose with their own gematria "rules". I think, sometimes, we should be compelled to look at it a little more creatively for that reason.


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