Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, May 16, 2016

43 96 102 113 161 523 | From the day South Carolina seceded to the start of the Civlil War (May 23 observation)

From the date the first state seceded from the union until the start of the war was 113-days.

Scottish = 113
Confederate = 96 (Freemason)

Notice the span of 16-weeks and 1-day.

American Civil War = 161
Phi = 1.61 (Golden Ratio)

South Carolina is also the state with the May 23 establishment date.  Think about how they're trying to manufacture the events of the Civil War in recent history with the Freddie Gray story, the Charleston Church shooting and more....   Now it seems they have plans for May 23...

Again, the war started April 12, 1861, the 102nd day of the year, in Charleston.

United States of America = 102

Notice the date South Carolina rejoined the Union.

7/9/1868 = 7+9+18+68 = 102

Civil War = 43
Charleston = 43
Lincoln born on 43rd day


  1. Maybe A Race Riot based on public outcry due to the "Event" May 23rd will occur?

    South Carolina Civil War Two" in the English Reduction system equals 113

    South Carolina Civil War Two" in the English Ordinal system equals 311

    Race Riot" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    May Twenty Third Race Riot" in the English Reduction system equals 114

    May Twenty Sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 71
    A Very Public Argument on Race could ignite tension in this atmosphere.

    Obama and Trump" in the English Reduction system equals 49

    Obama and Trump" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

    Public Race Debate" in the English Reduction system equals 64

    Public Race Debate" in the English Ordinal system equals 127

    May Twenty Third South Carolina" in the English Reduction system equals 127

    Obama and Trump May Twenty Third" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    1. Good work Z' and Rigged Game. Check this out. Charleston S.C. City Motto and Nicknames reveal more.

      Charlie O" in the English Ordinal system equals 71

      Charlie O" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      The Big Sweet Grass Basket" in the English Reduction system equals 83 / 110

      She guards her buildings, customs, and laws" in the English Reduction system equals 144,_South_Carolina

      Remember Lindsey Graham talking about a Nuke in Charleston a while back ? It Connects To Trump and Prez.

      Nuke Charleston" in the English Reduction system equals 58

      Graham Nuke Charleston" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Charleston S.C." in the English Reduction system equals 47 / 56

      Charleston S.C." in the English Ordinal system equals 137

      Nuke Charleston South Carolina" in the English Ordinal system equals 322

      Nuke Charleston South Carolina" in the English Reduction system equals 115

  2. Interesting how Lebrons record vs the Raptors is 36-9. I think this will go to 6 Games. The record will be 40-11 or 40-12. 52 is Significant this year as well as 51 and 411 for Lebron James

  3. For those of you who are sticking with cavs they are +230 to win it all right now.a 50 dollar bet will get back 115 bucks basically easily doubling your money..

  4. "Charleston may twenty third" in the English Reduction system equals 113 / 122 (s exception)

    "Charleston may twenty third twenty sixteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 523

    "Charleston may twenty third twenty sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 172 (58th Prime), 190 w/ s exception

  5. "SC may twenty third twenty sixteen" in the English Reduction system equals 133 / 151(s exception)

    "SC may twenty third twenty sixteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 430 or 43

    "SC may twenty third twenty sixteen" in the English Gematria system equals 5434 or 54 +34 = 88

  6. Sheffield Wednesday In the play off final
    Liverpool in the Europa League final
    Nottingham forest about to be taken over by billionair owner who has exactly the same name Gematria as forest..

    All three teams involved in the hillsborough disaster. Funny who they finally got justice for hillsborough a few months ago after 27 years.

    Brighton the first team sacrificed for Sheff Wed. Ended the season on 89 points like 1989 with the Hillsborough disaster.

    I thought Derby would meet them in the final but looks like a tall order to pull a 3-0 back....

    Also find it funny how the play offs have "The Seagulls" v "The Owls" and "The Tigers v The Rams"

    Wouldnt surprise me if there's not some biblical reference in the bible to something along them lines. If anyone knows feel free to share!

    More proof that all this is coded to the tee, Nottingham Forest also finished on 55 points like "Europa League" The final Liverpool are in.

    Hillsborough disaster was a game between Liverpool and Forest at Wednesdays ground. Eventually blamed on the police 27 years later. Wednesday finished on 74 points this season which we know has many connections. Hillsborough = 704 as well.

    1. Also Sheffield = 47/74 like the points they finished on. Brighton the team they knocked out finished 15 points above them.

      Its been 15 years since Wednesday were in the premier league. Its deffo on for them to be promoted this year.

    2. Feel like a troll but Danny Willett who won the masters also from Sheffield. The Midlands winning pretty much everything this year..

  7. There is a 131 timestamp for the Cubs oh espn

  8. I just want to point out the factorization of 575 is 5*5*23, Via Number Empire. Credit to Stephen Shaunessy for Emergency=575. Can't remember which post he commented that on. In Florida, the number 575 in the cash3 lottery hasn't came out straight in 22 years 9 months and some odd days.


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