Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

44 53 74 | Donald Trump presumptive Republican nominee, May 3, 2016

The date of Trump earning an unobstructed path to the Republican nomination has a major tie to him attempting to become the 44th person to be President of the United States.

5/3/2016 = 5+3+20+16 = 44
5/3/2016 = 5+3+2+0+1+6 = 17

There has been a narrative of riddles hinting at a Trump 'shooting'.

Shooting = 1+8+6+6+2+9+5+7 = 44/53 (May 3, 5/3, with '44' numerology)
Shooting = 19+8+15+15+20+9+14+7 = 107


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    3. Hillary rodham" in the English Reduction system equals 72
      "Hillary rodham" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

      So she has the numbers too

    4. Trump will be in Washington state on 5/23 because the primary election there is on the 24th. And yes he will still be campaigning. His rallies are voter recruitment events and every time the left attacks him his poll numbers go up so he will still be giving speeches at stadiums. My official prediction for where Trump will be on Monday May 23rd is Seattle. I know Zach will be happy about that. lol

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    10. I was talking about Trump being in Seattle not getting killed. Which BTW I don't think Trump's getting killed maybe someone around him but not him. I think he's already planned for that.

  2. Milo please retire from posting. You are giving everybody a head ache.

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  4. Don't be so sure of that Milo.

    "Trump shot in head" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    1. "Trump killed, single shot to head" in the English Ordinal system equals 322

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    3. Milo I don't care for either candidate. They are both are part of the same rotten apple. You say the world will be better? But then say Trump is doing their bidding? Makes no sense and it seems like you are on riding the fence, being a fan boy and a truth seeker. You can't be both

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  5. Steak or fish.
    You may not like steak or fish –but that’s your choice

  6. Haha -- That pic of Trump surrounded by his FEMBOTS says it all ... he even stuck a guy in a PINK tie in there -- just to cover all his bases, lol! The 1st thing everyone who's seen that pic has said, is how creepy & robot-like they all look ... & we thought THE STEPFORD WIVES was JUST A MOVIE ... Lol! :D ;D

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  7. It's surreal that Trump - a character with orange skin and poufy hamster hair who has been on TV as a celebrity rich guy since I was a child, (my dad had his books!) was on WWE, sitcoms, reality shows, and commercials, with his own line of cheesy made-in-China ties, and his stupid "you're fired" catch phrase is presented as this unbeatable force that Republicans couldn't stop. Seriously? Siriusly?
    Yeah...okay whatevs. At least I know better than to believe in that mess altho Obama cured me of that 8 years ago.
    Shooting in regards to Trump could just relate to a film shoot. Probably a new tv show Trump's White House. Hopefully Sarah Palin will be his VP pick. I could totally see her getting into an altercation with his Russian wife - maybe even a Dynasty style catfight.


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