Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, May 15, 2016

44 | Texas charter bus crash reporting, May 14, 2016

I can hear the editor now.  "Who cares how many people were hurt, just say 44!"

Notice the bus was traveling to 'Eagle Press'.

Eagle = 5+1+7+3+5 = 21
Press = 7+9+5+1+1 = 23
Eagles Press = 44


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 88 is 4 zeros, side by side in sets of two one stacked on top of the other.
    4 and 2 and 42 meaning of life...coincidence surely

  3. This is gonna sound awful, but 44 + 8 = 52, which sounds like "52 Card Pick-Up" -- where you throw the whole deck up in the air (just to be an asshole). Definitely an 8 theme going on ... like another card game "Crazy 8's". If you went with the Kill Bill analogy, that'd be referencing "The Crazy 88" who guarded "Cottonmouth" aka Lucy Liu's character O'Ren Ishi.

    Just some observations -- could be totally irrelevant ... like the fact that when hearing "Cottonmouth", I don't think about a "snake" -- just the dry mouth you can get when smoking weed -- (that slang might be pretty old-school though, lol!). However ... it could be argued that there's no better time to snatch up a shipment of weed -- than during the chaotic aftermath of a "bus crash"!! ... Lol ;D. ;D

    1. Also: "52" in Roman Numerals is "L I I" = LIE ... !! ;D

    2. She killed 88 guys?

      No, they're weren't really 88, they just Thought that sounded cool.

    3. Damn that's cool -- you're tappin' into my brain, man! I wrote something to that effect -- then erased it! That's amazing. Brilliant minds ... eh?!

      Silly rabbit.

      Trix are for kids. Lol! ;D

    4. Lol.

      I used the wrong there though, and for that there is no forgiveness.

    5. Haha -- we'll let that one slide ... I figured it was the damned dummy function on the computer anyway. Though I guess Pei Mei would've cracked your skull open! Lol ;D

  4. Slight correction ... Eagle Pass instead of Press. Works out just as interesting though:

    P a s s = 16 + 1 + 19 + 19 = 55

    21 + 55 = 76 = 13 = M

    Yep -- all the right signatures are there, no matter how you look at it! ;D :D

  5. 88,000 gallons of oil was spilled on Fri May 13th by Royal Dutch Shell in the Gulf of Mexico.
    88,000 were evacuated from Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada - home of the Royal Dutch Shell Athabasca Tar Sands project.

    And mor on point with the post,
    BUS= 42

    1. Hadn't heard about the oil spill -- goes to show just how compartmentalized our receipt of the news has become. Thank you for sharing that ... & very interesting how they tie together. After all, what is Texas known for? OIL! ;D

  6. Following through on the "88" theme, found that 88° in Celsius is 31.111. Interesting number! Converted to Roman Numerals, that'd be IIII.III ... which could be seen as 4.3 ... or 43/10 ... or 43 -- a fitting reminder of Mr. Texas himself, ol' Bush 43. ;D


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