Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, May 27, 2016

47 56 63 153 | World War II plane crashes in Hudson River, pilot, age 56, dies (May 27, 2016)

Hudson River = 63/72/153

This reminds me I need to go back and look at the 'Miracle on the Hudson'.  I'm sure that story was full of it.  It happened near 48th street...

5/27/16 = 5+27+16 = 48

The 56-year old pilot goes nicely with the 'P-47 Thunderbolt'.

Probably just a coincidence.


  1. "Probably just a coincidence." - Famous last words...


    1. Probably just a coincidence
      Jewish Gematria 1777
      English Reduction 102
      English Summerian 1476
      English Ordinal 246
      English Gematria 1767

      Famous last words
      Jewish Gematria 1712
      English Reduction 53
      English Summerian 1236
      English Ordinal 206
      English Gematria 1592

    2. Interesting finds, especially the 102. Nice work!!!


    3. Too many coincidences- --206


  2. They keep coming out with news headlines of all of these World War I and Word War 2 weapons and artifacts being found..I'm wondering what they're trying to tell war 3???? Yuppp...pah attention..ore world war 1 and 2 things will be found somehow

  3. They keep coming out with news headlines of all of these World War I and Word War 2 weapons and artifacts being found..I'm wondering what they're trying to tell war 3???? Yuppp...pah attention..ore world war 1 and 2 things will be found somehow

    1. Im thinking that WW3 is going on right now and has been for as long as any of us can remember no matter what age u r. It's a propaganda war fought through media and social conditioning. I'm doubting any actual war was fought like we were taught to think of it from school history and the movies. If u can make a population think this crap happened it's just as good, in fact better then doing it for real. Real war would be messy and they wouldn't be able to completely control it they way they like to. People who had seen their loved ones killed so grusomely would be unpredictable. Rage and grief can fuel desire for revenge and make u not give a fuck about consequences. Real grief fucks u up It rips your guts out. Those insipid, smiling robots who happily blabber to the press about wanting forgiveness and gun control the day after their 6 year old was allegedly gunned down, or they had just lost a leg...bitch please, they are either actors getting paid or CGI vicSims. Either way they r fake.

      From what I have observed the overlords leave nothing to chance. The numbers show us how programmed it all is. They need total control and thats why they keep us so busy and promote patriotism so much. They need us to care so we fear losing what we have and we will get in line and do what they say even if we complain.

  4. It's a replica of the NCAA tournament. Kansas getting derailed. Super Hornet Supersonics crashed and lost. Now Thunderbolt Thunder crashed and is going to lose.


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