Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, May 27, 2016

55 121 | Obama in Hiroshima, calls for 'world without nuclear weapons', May 27, 2016

Fitting time stamp.

Notice the 11:11 time stamp as well.

11x11 = 121 (Revelation)

Perhaps the revelation is that we already live in a world without nuclear weapons.


  1. Timestamp 11:11,( also 11+11=22 )

    "World without NUCLEAR weapons" = 121
    Nuclear = 74
    We need to remove the word value for "Nuclear" from the sentence total of 121 as the contextual instruction in the sentence is "without"

    121 - 74 = 47


    Eleven = 27 (reduced)
    The same as "world" = 27 (reduced)

    Following instructions reveals the message checksum.

  2. I seen this as breaking news on CNN website when I woke up at 3 this morning and the article was in quotations 'we shall not repeat evil'...
    We shall not repeat evil=104/122/131

  3. I seen this as breaking news on CNN website when I woke up at 3 this morning and the article was in quotations 'we shall not repeat evil'...
    We shall not repeat evil=104/122/131

  4. Yeah my tinfoil hat tells me that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed as a result of massive firebombing ...

  5. In the new x-men movie that came out today..... they detonated all the nukes in the world and shot them into space....... and got rid of them.

    So earth had no nuclear missles left.


  6. fifty-five -- 108/54/1241
    I can't drive fifty-five -- 213/105/2192

    It's amazing the fifty-five adds up to 54 in the "reduction" system.

  7. Has anyone ever heard about people making a wish at 11:11?

    Make a wish = 90

    Ninety = 33

    Make a wish = 36 = 666

    1. I have an acquaintance on Facebook who posts 11:11 regularly. I've become annoyed by it but that's just me. (She also posts a lot of selfies... even though she "really doesn't like selfies". WTF). I looked up 11:11's significance before but just found this article which offers a variety of meanings behind the number.

  8. Same event, different news outlet/article/headline:
    "In historic visit to Hiroshima, Obama calls on the world to morally evolve"
    "morally evolve" in the English Reduction system equals 60
    "morally evolve" in the English Ordinal system equals 177
    "morally evolve" in the English Gematria system equals 1851 (18+51 = 69)

  9. This is going way back!! Even clearer picture now since 5/27 leaves 218 days in the year and Hiroshima was bombed in 6/8 the 218th day of the year. 5+27+20+16=68


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