Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

74 | CNN's morning mocking, 'Teenage Zombies' created by smartphones

Teenage = 2+5+5+5+1+7+5 = 30
Zombies = 8+6+4+2+9+5+1 = 35/44
Teenage Zombies = 65/74

Teenage = 20+5+5+14+1+7+5 = 57
Zombies = 26+15+13+2+9+5+19 = 89
Teenage Zombies = 146

I saw how the cellphone was the beginning of the downfall from day one, back in the nineties.  This world is too predictable.


  1. "Addicted to smartphone" in the English Reduction system equals 88
    Poison = 88
    Trump = 88

    Fitting this story came out today
    5/3/20/16 = 44
    May third = 44
    44+44= 88

  2. Zombies is right! All I see these days is niggers with their blank expressions and heads down, staring at portable computer screens.


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