Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bill Cosby back in court, May 24, 2016

The last time we had Cosby headlines was December 30, 2015; Tiger Woods's, LeBron James's and Tyrese Gibson's birthday.  December 30, 2015 was 146-days ago.

12/30.... 12+30.... 42...

If you count the full span of days, it is 147, like "Master Builder".

Bill Cosby's birthday is in 49-cays, or 7-weeks, July 12, 2016.  He was born in Philadelphia, the big city of focus this last year.  Revelation = 49 (Philadelphia named from Revelation)

There's surely more to this, I'm just not seeing it right now.  Maybe you will!

Bill Cosby = 99 (523, the 99th Prime) (One day after May 23...)


  1. Thunder 64% Favorite to win Game 4. Lol Mhm

  2. Some how I think this all connects with Bill Clinton

    5+23+16= 44
    5+23+20+16 =64
    5+23+(2+0+1+6)= 37
    5+2+3+(2+0+1+6)= 19

    44+64+37+19 = .. 164 ..

    One Six Four" in the English Ordinal system equals 146

    Hundred Sixty Four" in the English Reduction system equals 87 (Clinton= 64)

    Clinton Cosby Assault" in the English Ordinal system equals 244

    Clinton Cosby Assault" in the English Reduction system equals 64 / 91

    Monica Samille Lewinsky " in the English Ordinal system equals 244

    "Monica Samille Lewinsky " in the English Reduction system equals 91

    Clinton Cosby Show" in the English Ordinal system equals 216

    Clinton Cosby Show" in the English Reduction system equals 72 /81

    Lewinsky Dickinson " in the English Reduction system equals 81

    Lewinsky Dickinson " in the English Ordinal system equals 216

    Bill Cosby William Clinton" in the English Ordinal system equals 265

    Bill Cosby William Clinton" in the English Reduction system equals 103

    One Hundred Sixty Four" in the English Ordinal system equals 265

    One Hundred Sixty Four" in the English Reduction system equals 103

  3. Totally off subject, don't be surprised when Atlanta(69) is announced in 16(Sixteen-96) to host the '19 Superbowl.

    1. They were guaranteed one with their new stadium. Just like Minnesota, and now Miami (with 400 million in renovations to SunLife).

    2. Didn't know about the guarantee, but certainly makes since. Who wants to go to Minnesota in February? ?

    3. Yup. Like Detroit 10 years ago.

      Super Bowl's now all about the stadium. Reason San Diego isn't allowed to host anymore.

  4. Seemed like a strange choice of words...
    "the evolution of an icon" in the English Reduction system equals 99 or 3 x 3 x 11
    (2+8+5+0+5+4+6+3+3+2+9+6+5+0+6+6+0+1+5+0+9+3+6+5), which reduces to 18, which reduces to 9

    "the evolution of an icon" in the English Ordinal system equals 243 or 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
    (20+8+5+0+5+22+15+12+21+20+9+15+14+0+15+6+0+1+14+0+9+3+15+14), which reduces to 9

  5. VIDEO: MSNBC anchor slips, calls Cosby ‘Bill Clinton’ during sex assault report

    1. Thank You. I knew it. Always nice to get some help though. Rarely Happens around here.

    2. 2015 when The Cosby News Broke was Seventeen Years after The Clinton Scandal. MSNBC Hosts name Steve Kornacki.

      Seventeen Years Later" in the English Ordinal system equals 233

      Seventeen Years Later" in the English Reduction system equals 80 / 89

      Kornacki Clinton Cosby" in the English Ordinal system equals 233

      Kornacki Clinton Cosby" in the English Reduction system equals 89

      233-89= .. 144 ..

      MSNBC Slip Up" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Reminds me of the dj

      Bad Boy Bill- --84

      William Renkosik---181

      Got his start in 85 in the Chi, similar names and numbers.

    5. I'm so very new at this, but what I *see* is that there is such a tremendous volume of messaging going on that it is not always easy to "match" all the like or related events. Seeing the forest through the trees is not at all unlike finding a needle in a blazing haystack. Finding that bit about the anchor's 'oopsie' was pure luck on my part.
      This does bring me to a general question for those reading this though... Do any of you 'subscribe' to a certain news aggregator or which news outlets do you monitor/focus upon?
      By my own admission, I have historically been somewhat conservative, though mostly Constitutionalist-leaning or even slightly libertarian-ish. Because of this, I monitor all the usual suspects: ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC as well as AP, Daily Mail, The Guardian, Sky News, The Sun... and look to Drudge 'breaking' news during business hours, salted with viewpoints from various blogs/op-ed-type sites.
      I'd be interested in where you all find a lot of the more consistent messaging coming out of...
      Thanks in advance. :-)

    6. I like Daily Mail for the pictures. If u like art u can look at old paintings particularly religious art and then look at the photos in headlines. Look at the hands and body poses. So interesting to see the mimicry.
      Also look up rebus puzzles and then apply that to the daily pics esp the fake crisis events and you'll find all kinds of interesting stuff. It really teaches u to pay attention to what's going on in the background

    7. I stopped reading newspapers in 1996 and stopped watching TV circa 2000. Since 2007, I ramped up my interest in online media, but I've obviously been missing the even bigger picture. Admittedly, I have not paid close enough attention, and that will have to change.
      I appreciate your input. Thank you.

  6. Hmm.

    The Coz -- 77/32/666

    I thought so.

  7. chocolate jello pudding pie -- 241/115/1333


  8. Money pouring in on GS 75%. OKC is a lock tonight

    1. Whoever said OKC goes up 3-1 then GS makes it 3-3 only to have OKC win it in 7, nailed it I think.

    2. OKC wont lose at home if they win today. Finish in 6 and Cle goes to 7

    3. G-State wins Game 5 & 6, OKC wins game 7, in Oakland.

      Cleveland > Toronto in 6.
      Cleveland > OKC in 6. (On 6.6.16.)

    4. That's what I think too, Zack, but MM has been doing well. That cocky bastard. ;)


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