Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, May 9, 2016

Times running out? Another anonymous letter and another cryptic message....

To date, this is the first time I have been addressed as 'Zachary' by this network of mail senders.  Normally it is 'Joshua'.  Anyhow, the last time they sent the references were to time and time travel with a picture of Hillary Clinton.  Here's the latest.

If you missed the last letter, here's the link to catch up:


  1. Hey Zack,

    I live in Tampa and work in St. Pete; can you tell exactly where in St. Pete they are coming from?

    1. They always come from different cities. The last one came from Washington D.C.

    2. spell the mans name right for goodness sake.

    3. Anyone with anything truly of value to contribute is not going to send an anonymous snail-mail!
      That's psycho behavior!
      It's nothing but a mind virus to keep you wondering about it forever. Like a stage magician's distraction technique, make you look focus left when you should look right!

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    7. Maybe 8/29. August 29, 2016 marks 6 * 911 days since 9/11/2001

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like a girl's handwriting

  3. This looks like the paradox that I believe we are trapped in. We keep doing the same things in different "time periods" over and over and over.
    In the Matrix the architect said they had destroyed Zion 6 times before and will do it again. They need the humans to create the Matrix though just like I believe they need us and our energy to manifest this world.
    In Inception they also talk about being in a paradox in the dream world that you cannot create otherwise. This is the dream.
    Everything spirals. Even the universe we are in. What does it spiral into though?

    1. In every time period its all the same energy, our energy, but it looks different physically with the objects they choose to create. I think it confuses our mind and is used to keep us here.
      We only think of the past and future looking like it does because of how they show it to us. It really is just a period of the story that is made to look different from a physical stand point. Once we reach the energy though its all the same.

    2. Also the stamp looks like the American flag is fading away and the fireworks are like explosives.

    3. The myth of Persephone carried off by Pluto to underworld and held there against her will describes this. Persephone the Virgin aspect of fertility goddess.
      Virgin = blank slate, a baby, kids believe what they r told and shown.
      Fertility = beliefs can expand or limit u.
      Watch The Village
      M. Night movie about a cult who raise their kids in isolation as tho its the 1800s and scare them into staying wth tales of boogie monsters in the woods

    4. I will. There are so many movies that carry out this same idea in different ways. I just watched the Simpsons Movie and it does the same thing with them being trapped in a dome and then they want to blow it up to stop them from getting out and telling everyone what happened.
      I think they have to give us the truth with the lies in the subliminals otherwise our mind wouldn't accept them. It's Inception at a grand scale.
      The only way to perpetually trap something more powerful or intelligent than you is to tell them the truth and make them think it is a lie. Otherwise they are eventually going to recollect the truth some how through their mind no matter how programmed they are. I fully believe the truth is around us, but its just scattered in so many places and ways and obscured.

    5. I think u r right about that.
      We r kept busy and loaded down with concerns so we stay distracted. I noticed that once I stopped doing all but the bare minimum and spent more time alone being quiet and just observing that most people are walking around in a bubble of their own worries and not really present. The system winds us up like those toys wth a key in the back and it's like we're on autopilot. When u start slacking and being "lazy" like they tsk tsk u see just how retarded the world is run and u realize there is very lil worth going to all that effort for. I always envied old people and wanted to retire by the time I graduated college.

    6. I feel the same way. Once u step back and look and everything in front of you realize none of it means shit except for someone else in the end. You may get some enjoyment out of things, but even that is just a program that you were taught at some point how to do. It takes real focus to figure out what you know because you chose to know and not because someone else taught you. You can't even begin to do it until you at at least 16, but its to late for most by then they are absorbed into it all.
      I'm at my last job I will ever have and I am 26. I plan on leaving it within the next year too. Im not worried about the money though its just energy it will come. I eat mostly fruit so I am growing my fruit trees and plan on getting away from it all at least on a daily basis to figure out how to stop it all. I don't think nature is an escape though its part of the world like anything else. The only way to escape is to close your eyes and look inside where the real answers lie.

    7. I think you're right Korey, I agree with your analysis.

    8. I think we all need to somehow come together before its to late to stop it all. I really think there is going to be a major event sooner than later that start a downward spiral in the US if no the world. It is all over His Story about huge populations of people being wiped with little to no explanation why. Such as The black plauge and the Mayan's "disappearing". The Mayan's were colonized by Cortés and the Spanish during the year the Mayan's were looking at the "heavens" for their god to return just like the Christian's and other religions are today.
      I was watching Inception and they say that once you begin to change to many things in the dream world the subjects subconscious begins to realize what they are in and rebels against it. I have had thoughts that they could literally change history around us without us really knowing through Gematria and subliminal messages. We are realizing something isn't right or changing around us and I think they will do anything to put a stop to it. Even if it means they won't have all of their precious material items for a while.

  4. I think it was Milo. Someone call the cops on him.

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  5. Here is a German clock with with a part number of 2022.00

  6. Lol OT WITH THE HEAT AT 83 a piece lol. Tribute to Lebron? Hmmm

  7. Achar is a biblical figure also known as Achan

    1. Page on Achan or Achar

  8. Two Achar One---123,1238(J)

    Times Running Out---219, 1000(J)

    1. two thousand two hundred and two dollars = 144/450
      two thousand two hundred two dollars = 134/431


  10. 89-85 CLOCK Stops at 111 because of Ice???

    174 equals Masonic.

    Ice equals 935.

    GSW HAD 2 points FOR 5-7 minutes LOL LMAOOO.



  11. Ice in all Gematria equals 17 equals NBA.

    Ohio 17th state NBA FINALS ON A DATE WITH 17 date numerology.

    The score was at 174 bahahahaha

  12. Backwards 471......LOL

    79th Prime is 401 41 no county 0 boys.

    Seventy one =144

    1. please do not turn into another Milo, Warri

    2. Sorry I hope you mean by my laughing and Caps and not my numerology work!

      So now that Curry is back Warriors are saved.

      I don't know what is with this new 39 connection but Curry entered the game at 3:39 and scored his 6th point to make it 39 for the Warriors.

      Also Stoped at 5:51 When Portland had 46-35 9 point difference.9 important satanic number.

      In the first quarter was 14:23 at 1:31 1st quarter ....123. Also again 9 point difference and 23

      Damnit every game there is connections LOL it is so crazy

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  13. Time running out for them! There are hundreds of decoders today and tomorrow there will be millions! Once the codes are cracked it's OVER!

  14. Looks like 2221 - 2202(to the infinit power) 2221-2202 is 19 tho

  15. Yeah like that was your paycheck 2,202.00$ working for Mossad aren't you, easy untraceable money, just like how you shave points

  16. isnt this picture just a representation of the Fibonacci sequence?


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