Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 27, 2016

17 33 54 61 69 74 119 322 444 | Cleveland Browns Super Bowl victory parade planned for February 19, 2033 (CBS Reporting)

This story comes from CBS, the 'All Seeing Eye' network.

2033?  Cleveland?  After the NBA Finals won by Cleveland this story?

Notice that from the last time the Browns won, 1964, to 2033, is 69-years.  This corresponds with 'Cleveland Cavaliers'.

Cleveland Browns also has a connection to the NBA 'Finals'.

Remember, Cleveland won on June 19, 2016, the real King James birthday anniversary.

6/19/2016 = 6+19+20+16 = 61 (Finals) (Both teams came in with 610 points scored in series)

Notice that from 2016 to 2033 is 17-years.  That also connects back to the NBA and Cleveland Cavaliers.

Nice retweets and likes.

Masonic = 444
Masonic = 223
Masonic = 74 (2/19/2033)

Notice the date of the game, the 50th day of the year, February 19, 2033.

2/19/2033 = 2+19+20+33 = 74 (Masonic) (Jewish) (74 and '33')

It is also a date with '54' numerology, connecting to future telling.

Oracle = 15+18+1+3+12+5 = 54 (Sun) (Cavs 54th win, Warriors streak snapped at 54 at 'Oracle', on the same day)

You also have to like the mention of Lions, that would be a ripe year for them to lose.

Lions = 3+9+6+5+1/10 = 24/33


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