Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, June 10, 2016

19 44 52 53 74 96 98 144 | Muhammad Ali's 19-mile processional, June 10, 2016 (The Quran Code)

A 19-mile processional?  This corresponds with Surah 74:30 in the Quran.  Of course Muhammad just passed at age 74.

Processional = 7+9+6+3+5+1/10+1/10+9+6+5+1+3 = 56/74

Recall, Muhammad Ali passed on June 3, or 6/3, 63-days before the start of the Summer Olympics in Rio.  He is remembered for opening the '96 games in Atlanta and the Prophet Muhammad died at age 63.  Muhammad Ali was also listed as being 6'3".

With regards to the 114 chapters in the Quran, there is a relation between 19 and 114 in gematria.

There is also something called the 'Quran' Code' that is centered around 19 within the holy text.

Notice the gematria of 'Rashad Khalifa'.

Rashad = 9+1+1/10+8+1+4 = 24/33
Khalifa = 2+8+1+3+9+6+1 = 30
Rashad Khalifa = 54/63

Chapter 96, eh?

Recall that recent halftime score of Game 2 of the NBA Finals, where the half-time score was 44-52, for a sum of 96.

'Quran Code' also has a major parallel to 'Prophet'.

Surah 19 is 98 verses.

Something feels racist about this taking place at the Yum KFC Chicken Center

Notice this celebration comes on a date with '52' numerology.  Muhammad Ali, the title, lasted for 52-years of his life, the number connecting to 'prophecy'.  Of course, Muhammad is the prophet.

6/10/2016 = 6+10+20+16 = 52

Recall, Muhammad Ali changed his name at age '22'.

Here is some work Josh Stoss did on nineteen and the Quran awhile back.

Orrin = 15+18+18+9+14 = 74


  1. Nineteen Miles = 144/63

    If you sum the first 144 decimals of Pi, the result is 666.

    If you sum the sequence of numbers from 1 to 63, your result is 2016. If you drop the zero in 2016, your result is 216, and 216 is comprised of 6 x 6 x 6.

    Nineteen Mile = 125/62

    125, is five cubed, or 5 x 5 x 5. In Washington D.C., the Washington Monument, is a total of 555 feet in height above ground, located along the 77th Meridian, also known as the American Meridian.

    Five Cubed = 77/41 (77th Meridian/USA = 41)

    62, is a number of great significance, having connections to Freemasonry and the dollar. 62, can also be interpreted as 6 to the second power, also known as six-squared. The result of six-squared (6 x 6), is 36, and when you sum the sequence of numbers from 1 to 36, your result is 666.

    Six-Squared = 137/47

    137, is the 33rd prime. Both 33 and 47, as well as 74, are often paired together within this coded matrix.

  2. I neglected to mention with regards to the number 63, Muhammad Ali's listed height was 6'3, an he died on 6/3.

  3. I also forgot to mention that 216, or 6 x 6 x 6, is six-cubed.

    Six-Cubed = 87/33

    1. And if you draw a single cube, unfold it from 3 dimensions to two dimensions you get 6 squares, in the shape of a cross - like the one Jesus was crucified upon. 4 in the vertical and 2 more to make the cross bar.

    2. Yes, from a cube, you can also form a Hexagon(Saturn), or the Star of David.

    3. EMM,
      How the heck can you unfold a 3D cube to a hexagon? Or do you mean by cutting it up?

    4. A 3D cube is a hexagon, more or less...

      Draw a 3D cube on a piece of paper, or just do an image search... After you've done that, use a marker (or visualize it), to embolden the outside edges... You will be left with a hexagon.

    5. What I meant by the Star of David, is that you can fit a 3D cube perfectly inside the center of it.

  4. Howe and Ali Deaths are for the NBA Final's but why? What is wrong with these fucking people?

    Nineteen Miles" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    Nineteen Miles" in the English Reduction system equals 63 / 72

    Death Prophecy" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    Death Prophecy" in the English Reduction system equals 72

    Ice Boxing " in the English Ordinal system equals 88

    Ice Boxing " in the English Reduction system equals 52

    Howe Dies at 88. Muhammad Ali Dies 52 years after taking the name Ali.

    Pretty Sure the Dwayne Wade Commercial Told us of Ali and Howe's Passing.

    Howe Mr. Hockey" in the English Reduction system equals 68

    Howe Mr. Hockey" in the English Ordinal system equals 149

    Gatorade Frost " in the English Reduction system equals 59 / 68

    Gatorade Frost " in the English Ordinal system equals 149

    George Gervin Dwayne Wade Muhammad Ali Gordie Howe" in the English Reduction system equals 226

    Dwayne Wade Gordie Howe" in the English Reduction system equals 106

    1. Another person dead at 88....51 days after the death of Prince.....

    2. From today, June 10 (6/10 or 10/6), if you add 88 days you land on Sept 6 (9/6, or 6/9). If you subtract 88 days from today you land on March 14 (3/14 Pi day)

    3. Results

      "howe" in the English Reduction system equals 24

      "howe" in the English Sumerian system equals 306

      "howe" in the English Ordinal system equals 51

      "howe" in the English Gematria system equals 573

    4. "Gordie Howe Muhammad Ali Ice" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

      Gordie Howe Muhammad Ali Ice" in the English Reduction system equals 123

      Gordie Howe Muhammad Ali Icemen" in the English Reduction system equals 137

      Iceman George Gervin Born in Detroit where Howe played Hockey for the Wings. He was born in 1952. He is 64 this year.

      Iceman Ali Howe" in the English Ordinal system equals 118

      Iceman Ali Howe" in the English Reduction system equals 64

      Gordie Howe" in the English Reduction system equals 64

      The Iceman Ali Howe" in the English Reduction system equals 79

      The Total Date Numerology for Ali's Death'

      6+3+16= 25
      6+3+20+16= 45
      6+3+(2+0+1+6)= 18

      25+45+18= .. 88 ..

    5. Reid, nice find!

      Pi Day = 55/28/330(English)/474(Jewish)

      Numerology = 55

      Twenty Eight = 156 = Thirty Three

      Eighty Eight = 123 = 123 + 321 = 444 = Masonic

      Eighty Eight = 69 (Duality/Chaos/Order)

      Double Eight = 108/54 = Fifty Five

      Eight to the Eighth power, or 8^8 = 16,777,216

      16, for the year or, Sixteen = 33

      777 = Order out of Chaos (Jewish)

      216, for the year or, 216 = 6 x 6 x 6

      Eight to the Eighth power = 125 = 5 x 5 x 5


    6. Mom's Apple Pi - 4+6+4+10+1+7+7+3+5+7+9 = 63

  5. Daily Mail says thousands line the streets chanting, "Ali, Ali!"

    Lol, sounds like a shortening of Allahu Akbar!

    1. Not far off, Ali means one high or elevated, so it is very close to a chant for Allah! Allah!

  6. And a silent h hallelujah
    Ali, Ali..luyah


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