Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 16, 2016

25 33 38 44 75 86 118 193 223 | Chinook shootdown in Afghanistan, August 11, 2011

This post is a favor for someone else.

Kabul, Afghanistan = 57/66/75
Chinook = 39/48/75
*New World Order = 75

Notice the date of the incident, August 6, 2011, a date with '45' numerology.  This reminds of August 6, 1945, the date of the Hiroshima bombing.

8/6/2011 = 8+6+20+11 = 45
8/6/11 = 8+6+11 = 25 (Massacre) (25 American Special Ops)

Look at the deaths reported below, '38' total, with '33' being passengers and '5' crew.

C = 3; H = 8; CH = 38 (Type of helicopter)

The '33' passengers could be a tribute to Hiroshima date as well.  That said, we know how they like to code '33' routinely anyhow.

8/6/1945 = 8+6+1+9+4+5 = 33

The detail about 'quick reaction force' also connects to 'kill' and 'military'.

The make of the vehicle also connects back to 'United States of America'; of course this was a loss for the U.S. military.  Keep in mind the divisors of 44 sum to 84.

My guess is this was contrived propaganda, to program to Americans, "the terrorists are out there, the fight must go on."

Keep in mind August 11 is the 223rd day of the year, and the day that leaves 142-remaining.

The date can also be written 11/8, fitting for 'death'.


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