Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 23, 2016

27 42 52 102 123 142 | Ben Simmons drafted #1 overall to Philadelphia, June 23, 2016

Ben Simmons looks pretty unsure of this moment.

Sixers = 31; Basketball = 31
Philadelphia Seventy-Sixers = 125/152; Pennsylvania = 152

Philly in front of the Lakers background.  Remember how the 76ers got their first win of the season against the Lakers as predicted.  There was the whole Moses Malone (76er) and Kobe Bryant (Laker) thing too; of course Kobe is from Philly, and retired at the end of this season.

People ask me how these guys keep their mouths shut.  Take a look at Ben Simmons.  That's the, "I'm not saying shit" face.

Philadelphia is named from Revelation, along with the 'Key of David'.  Simmons has "the name".

He also has "the name" in other ways.

This guy's face seemed to capture everyone else's, the cameras were saying he might be the #3 overall pick.  I hope he didn't see my videos last night on Len Bias and Reggie Lewis... but in another way, I hope he did.  By the face expressions in the room, it seems these guys do know what they're signing up for, although, not entirely sure they've made the right choice.

As for Ben Simmons, he is drafted at age 19, 27-days before his twentieth birthday.

His place of birth, Melbourne, Australia seems to play on these numbers.

7/20/1996 = 7+20+19+96 = 142 (Forty-Two = 142) (Ben Simmons = 42)
7/20/1996 = 7+20+(1+9+9+6) = 52 (Prophecy) (Philadelphia, named from book of 'Prophecy')
7/20/1996 = 7+2+0+1+9+9+6 = 34
7/20/96 = 7+20+96 = 123 (Ben Simmons)
7/20 = 7+20 = 27 (Drafted 27-days before his 20th birthday on the 20th)

Ben Simmons = 42; LeBron James = 42; Freemason = 42; N***** = 42


  1. Ben Simmons.. Benji Wilson.. Same jersey # (25), same uniform colors.. Benji Wilson played for Simeon HS.

    1. the Vikings just drafted a German or Aussie WR too. david Zionist stern life long dream is to globalize the sport, reptilian successor is doing a great job. Sixers=666

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Look into this zach

  4. Good grief, Charlie Brown! Have the PC Police hit the place and auto-censored with the "N*****" or did I miss the memo? LOL You know, whether you use asterisks or not, people will be on your ass, Z. It's words. You're not responsible for the language itself, dude!

    1. I see your point but imagine the black people that stumble on this blog for the first time and this post being the very first post they see. Imagine the word uncensored in this post. They won't understand and would be rightfully upset.

    2. +mad1dog, Z can do what he wants - it's his blog, for sure! What I'm saying is while I understand not wanting to offend, it does smack of censorship. I think people will take a word/words/phrases out of context and blow it up if they want to anyway. They will cherry-pick and make accusations whether Z uses a whole word or censors it. You know someone will always have something to say. If they want to discredit him or us, they'll do it no matter what.
      I surely cannot speak for people of color since I am not one. It's like the fireman being held responsible for the fire. Z isn't responsible for the fire, he's just doing the fire-fighting.
      In this (and any) case, I don't think there's any 'winning'... self-censoring or not. He'll be picked on for using that word or for pointing out Zionism/Zionists, etc. 'Zionist' can be considered just as pejorative as N*****. For all intents and purposes, gematria is calculated based upon words, primarily. Censor the words, censor the gematria, is all I'm saying. If there's a good argument for censoring... I would be willing to self-censor in my own comments here if there is a compelling reason to do so (which was my reason for the 'did I miss the memo' comment).


    3. Unless he gives a brief explanation that these sickos love to code 42 on black people within the post, it's best to censor it in my opinion. He's given the explanation countless times and probably figures most have caught on by now, but newbies will see that and be like WTF?! Whether they are black OR white, or whatever color.

    4. If he doesn't give the explanation or doesn't censor it, it gives the impression he likes to throw the word around freely. That's not Zach.

    5. There are better ways to communicate than using an offensive term over and over. I'm quite sure Zack does not use that word in public and the way he rips Jews who control this very same medium is just doing exactly what they want.. Race war on blogs. The Zionist agents smile every time.

    6. I could be offended by any number of pejoratives, but that's not who I am either. It isn't as if I particularly like being called a "Goyim." Perhaps getting offended is what needs to happen so whichever particular community (in this case blacks) wakes up? If they're so offended by it, they'd stop using it among themselves. I'd have to say 'gays' (and others) have done the same thing by embracing rather than shunning their own pejoratives. It's really those communities who are continuing the 'war' by using the terminology, but then disallowing the terminology to be used by anyone else causing a 'taboo' situation. I can call myself/friends/family/associates black, gay or whatever, but you are THE DEVIL if YOU call me it! Well, it turns out that we are the devil, regardless of whether the PC taboos are observed or not. That's just what BLM and every other divisive group out there is all about.
      Like I said: If there is a compelling reason, I could surely censor even myself, but I'm just not seeing it.

  5. What does this all mean? Is he going to be the next superstar?

  6. Dont delete my comments Zach. Im here to do good, I swear

  7. 44 players selected in the draft lol

  8. Sixers #1 pick Ben Simmons' cousin Zachary, who was by his side Draft night, was killed in a hit & run accident


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